Friday, December 27, 2019
The Killer Whales Have Been Captured From The Wild And...
Since 1961 killer whales have been captured from the wild and taken into captivity. Orcas are exceedingly intelligent and affectionate. For instance, in their natural habitat orcas remain with their families their entire lives hunting and swimming hundreds of miles daily. Each pod of orcas has a different dialect and set of rituals while being immensely family-oriented. In captivity, these brilliant animals are forced into a concrete pool and coerced into performing circus acts. Once the pursue for killer whales began the smallest orcas were ripped away from their families by gruesome methods. These methods include pens, speedboats, nets, and explosives. The remaining family members would stay the entire time and once the huntsmen had the young orca loaded, they would follow the boat to the shore. The family would call out to the young orca through all of this, some of the orcas would not make the journey to shore. Therefore the huntsmen would cut the orcas open, fill them with rocks , tie weights to their fins and throw them back into the water. Ultimately, orcas do not belong in captivity, where they suffer tremendously from mental and physical health issues. For this reason, in this paper I will discuss the various ways orcas are maltreated. Orcas are genuinely kind, brilliant, and extremely family oriented. In captivity these natural instincts are demolished. Orcas in captivity are known to suffer from depression, aggressiveness, health issues, rape, stress, shorter lifeShow MoreRelatedKeeping Orca Whales in Captivity Should Be Banned Essay1336 Words  | 6 PagesFor many years, we’ve been going to such places like, SeaWorld, and Six Flags, to see vast animals, like Orcas, also known as the killer whale, which we wouldn’t normally see out in the wild. Orcas have been around for millions of years; it’s known to be one of the smartest mammals, closest to humans. Since of their friendliness, people have taken advantage of them. For the past sixty years people have brought these massive creatures into their aquariums to make profit out of it, but never thoughtRead MoreCaptivity of Killer Whales1541 Words  | 7 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline The Effects of Captivity on Killer Whales Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that holding killer whales in captivity is harmful to the mammal. Central Idea: Holding killer whales in captivity is a harmful problem to the mammal that requires action from both the government and the public. Introduction On February 24, 2010 couples and families were seated in the stadiums at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida for one of the most popular shows at the theme parkRead MoreBlackfish as a Platform for Animal Rights Essay1438 Words  | 6 Pageswith Tilikum, the largest orca in captivity, Dawn was pulled into the water and drowned. 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Killer whales all over the world have been captured and put into theme parks and training centers for our entertainment, this selfish act is disrespectfulRead MoreSeaworld : Where Curiosity Kills1379 Words  | 6 PagesSeaworld: Where Curiosity Kills â€Å"The most important thing that we’ve learned from having whales in captivity is, ironically, that they should not be in captivity†-Gabriela Cowperthwaite, Blackfish movie director. Inside the walls of the worldwide known attractions, known as SeaWorld, are some memories humans will carry with them forever; some memories are filled with laughter and endless smiles while others will leave the world with heart-wrenching scares. Individuals suggest Seaworld isRead MoreWhale And Dolphin Conservation For Seaworld s Three Parks1235 Words  | 5 PagesSince 1961, 157 orcas, or killer whales, have been ripped from their homes and shoved into captivity. 127 of these orcas are now dead. With the number of captured orcas plus the number of those born into captivity, The W.D.C. (Whale and Dolphin Conservation) reports that, â€Å"At least 162 orcas have died in captivity, not including 30 miscarried or stillborn calves†( â€Å"The Fate†1). Out of the 127 taken into captivity, 44 have died in SeaWorld. There are currently 58 orcas residing in 14 marine parksRead MoreKiller Whales : The Killer Whale Essay1647 Words  | 7 PagesThe largest member of t he dolphin family is the killer whale, the killer whale is often referred to as an orca. Killer whales are important to biology because they are essential to the oceanic ecosystem. They keep the food chain intake balanced by regulating certain marine mammals, and that helps other animals to not become overpopulated. Killer whales are also important because they help the economy due to whale watching. Killer whales help science by helping scientist understand echolocation which
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Presidential Election Outcomes From American History
Presidential election outcomes can be determined by a plethora of factors which include the candidate’s own charisma and appeal, his rhetorics, his background (for instance, if he is related to a past president), the strength of his campaign, or his actual message. Though a president’s rhetorics and campaigning are crucial to a presidential election, in the end, as James Carville stated in Bill Clinton’s 1992 Presidential Campaign with his slogan â€Å"It’s the economy, stupid,†the economy is and always will be the biggest and deciding factor. In this essay, I will compare and contrast presidential election outcomes from American history, as well as touch upon the current outcome with present-day President Barack Obama and future predictions for the election of 2016. I will also present counterarguments it always â€Å"being the economy,†and show why the economy does indeed trump all in the end. Within the essay, I will explore the dimensio ns of economic performance and how they affect and impact presidential elections. As any economist or political scientist will point out, social, individual, and societal factors are important, but none of any of those factors has been more significant in helping or hurting a presidential candidate than has the United States (and US affected by global) economy. For all potential factors that could affect a presidential election outcome, we take in voter behaviors. Voters could have their own affiliations or preferences in relation to theShow MoreRelatedThe 2000 US Presidential Election928 Words  | 4 Pages2000 Presidential Election The United States Presidential elections are often events that captivate and interest a number of people around the world. The 2000 U.S. presidential election was particularly notable for more than one reason. 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Political scientists argue that a two-party system is the most stable and efficient meansRead More The Effect Of Third Party Candidates In Presidental Elections1626 Words  | 7 Pages The Effect of Third Party Candidates in Presidental Elections Although citizens of the United States have the opportunity to vote for many different offices at the national, state, and local levels, the election of the president of the United States every four years is the focal point of the American political process. The American political system has maintained a two- party system since its inception. Political scientists argue that a two-party system is the most stable and efficient means ofRead More Elimintating the Electoral College Essay examples1583 Words  | 7 Pagesare looking with this year’s election, the Electoral College is not benefiting American citizens. 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Weaver, as he won several electoral votes but will alsoRead MoreThe Electoral College And The United States Of America1065 Words  | 5 PagesThe 45th President if the United States of America will be sworn in on January 2017. So let’s examine the election process leading up to this momentous occasion. The president and vice president are not chosen by a nationwide popular vote of the American people. Rather, they are chosen by the slate of 538 Electors who have pledged their support for that candidate. The Electoral College is a process, not a place. This process is spelled out in the United States Constitution. Why Did the FoundingRead More The Presidential Election of 20001094 Words  | 5 PagesThe Presidential Election of 2000 Presidential election cycles are always three-ring circuses, and the 2000 election has become one of the biggest circuses ever. With a two-term president unable to seek re-election, the House of Representatives clearly up for grabs, and Democrats counting on major Senate gains -- even hoping to win control -- there is a lot at stake in this years elections. Republicans optimism is based on their view that they will take back the White House after an eight-yearRead MoreWhat Was Learned From the 2000 Presidential Election?1494 Words  | 6 PagesPresident Election isn’t considered to be the typical election that occurs every four years in our society. I am opening up the discussion of this important topic in American presidential history by first sharing a fact that not many people may know: there have been three previous presidential elections in which one candidate won the popular vote but not the electoral vote and lost the election. The 2000 Presidential Election was cons idered to be one of the most highly contested elections in presidentialRead MoreThe Electoral College Is A System886 Words  | 4 Pagesdemocracy; the founding fathers were afraid of the population having power to directly elect the president. (Miller) They also feared a tyrant would manipulate the American people and come into power through election. Thus the Electoral College was created to insure the safety of the presidency. The Electoral College is a compromise from the Constitutional Convention. Some of the framers favored direct democracy, while others wanted the House of Representatives to choose the president. (Schulman) TheRead MoreEssay about The Influence Of Saturday Night Live On The 2008 Election1477 Words  | 6 PagesThe Influence of Saturday Night Live On August 29th, 2008 Senator John McCain announced his decision of electing Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential Candidate. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
â€ÂThe Kite Runner†by Khaled Hosseini Chapter 7 Essay Sample free essay sample
In chapter seven of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. the reader is faced with a important minute in the novel. This chapter presents an of import scene. where Hassan chooses to be raped by Assef instead than passing him Amir’s kite. Hosseini brings the reader a critical minute in chapter seven when Hassan becomes Amir’s forfeit for felicity. and all facets of the boys’ childhoods change everlastingly. Chapter seven presents a important promotion in the secret plan. a development of the chief characters. and the visual aspect of several of import symbols used in the narrative. As indicated by the rubric. Kites play a really symbolic function in the novel and are used by Hosseini as a tool to research a assortment of issues. The kite itself is used by the author in chapter 7 as a ocular word picture of the religious journey that Amir is traveling to take in order to happen salvation within himself. We will write a custom essay sample on †The Kite Runner†by Khaled Hosseini Chapter 7 Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides. the kite competition reinforces an issue that is prevailing throughout the novel- which is the intervention of Hazaras in Afghanistan during the clip the novel is set and besides the suggestion that Amir and Hassan can neer be true friends because of their differing places is society. Alternatively of holding an equal relationship. due to the favoritism that existed in Afghanistan against the Hazaras. Amir and Hassan’s friendly relationship seems to hold strong facets of a servant-master relationship. This is proven by the fact that Amir flies the kite in the competition every twelvemonth and Hassan acts as his helper. When Hassan celebrates Amir’s triumph. ‘You won Amir Agha’ . Amir tries to conceal from the obvious fact that he is the superior individual in their relationship. ‘We won! We won! ’ By portraying their relationship in this manner. Hosseini is taking to make a mixture of emotions within readers as they try and contemplate the grounds for Amir’s determination subsequently in the chapter. The friendly relationship of Amir and Hassan is a cardinal subject in â€Å"The Kite Runner†and Hosseini uses it in chapter 7 to demo how the determinations we make can hold an impact on the remainder of our lives . Hosseini shows how close the two male childs are in order to beef up the apprehension in readers of the bond they portion with each other. therefore doing the sense of treachery even stronger later in the chapter. ‘Hassan ever understood about me’ portrays their relationship as about brother-like and this is used to consequence by Hosseini. The back street in which Hassan gets raped is estranged and soiled â€Å"piles of bit and rubble†. perchance being representational of the act that Assef performs as being dirty and dishonorable. Amir is shown depicting the back street in monolithic item as Hassan is being raped â€Å"worn bike tyres. bottles with bare-assed labels. ripped up magazines. xanthous newspapers†. as if Amir wants to take his head of what is go oning to Hassan by utilizing lists. Amir’s dream could besides stand for his guilty scruples. Hosseini utilizing personification to reflect on the dream-like province Hassan is sing â€Å"the air current bawling in my ears†and besides forshadows the graphic imagination of when Hassans underside starts shed blooding in the snow â€Å"tiny beads that fell from between his legs and stained the snow black†into â€Å"blood dripping. staining the snow†ruddy and white being contrastive colorss stand foring decease. Amir besides goes into a Eden type phantasy where he is â€Å"standing in a field of apple green grass†and this could stand for Amir get awaying from his guilt of non stepping in. Amir’s description of the streets are as â€Å"eight-foot walls†possibly picturing Amir’s entrapment as he is non close to his male parent Baba. and urgently wants to be or on the other manus his isolation as his best friend is an Hazara and Amir had societal differences to him. The streets of Wazir Akbar Khan were numbered and set at right angles to each other like a grid furthers Amir’s entrapment. as Amir is really inventive such as when he wrote and read Hassan his narrative he made up. so this mathematic like construction could stand for the unfamiliarity Amir feels from the street and foreshadows Hassan’s colza.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization Essay Example
The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization Essay Reasons of miscommunication leading to lesser productivity in an organization Nguyen Nam Khanh B0902385 Abstract Communication is a process beginning with a sender who encodes the message and passes it through some channel to the receiver who decodes the message. Communication is fruitful if and only if the receiver interprets the messages sent by the sender with same meaning. If any kind of disturbance blocks any step of communication, the message will be destroyed. Communication is more important in an organization. Cause miscommunication would lead to several problems to the organization especially, productivity. This paper would find out what reasons of miscommunication on an organization leading to ineffective productivity. Keyword: Communication, organization, productivity. 1. Introduction Communication is always a very important role in personal life. In fact, it is said to be the backbone of living. The meanings of communication may be very different. Communication consists of all the processes by which information is transmitted and received. The subject matter may include facts, intentions, attitudes etc. and the chief purpose of communication is to make the receiver to understand what is in the mind of the sender. Communication is very crucial and unavoidable since we have intentions, which we want to pass across to another person, group or even to the external world. Communication provide evidence that people is living. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Because one must like to communicate with people around him or her to share experience, ideas and feelings. In an organization, communication is inevitable and indispensable and can have huge impacts on how the organization works as a whole. Communication in an organization is about sharing ideas, information, opinions, and plans from person to person, department to department and inside the organization to external world. As far as we know, an effective communicate organization can get many benefits, uch as: increasing productivity, improve efficiency, cut costs, improve morale, and decrease turnover, etc. Besides that, miscommunication or ineffective communication usually has negative effects. For examples: souring relations, leading to poor performances and felt on the productivity, and ultimately the outcome. Therefore, to get those benefits and avoid further negative effects, we need to find out why miscommunication takes place. 2. Interpersonal communication process According t o Robert N. Lussier (Springfield College), communication is a process in which consist of a sender who encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver who decodes it and may give feedback. The communication process consists of four steps. Step 1: The sender encodes the message and selects transmission channel Step 2: The sender transmits the message through a channel Step 3: The receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is need Step 4: Feedback 3. Organization communication In order to know more what reasons lead to miscommunication in workplace, we must know more about organization communicate so that we can answer the question. An organization refer to when people come together to work in pursuit of common goals, they establish a hierarchy of authority in other to achieve the common goals, they also in the process divide tasks according to members area of specialization so that the human resources within the organization can be properly harnessed to achieve the set objectives. According to Robert N. Lussier (Springfield College), communication in an organization generally is the compounded interpersonal communication process across and organization. Therefore, any of communication barriers between individual personal in an organization would affect the performance of the organization. 4. Interpersonal communication barrier There are many barriers could affect the interpersonal communication process, which may lead to miscommunication, which leading to limited, ineffective productivity in an organization. Each different stage of the communication process could have different barriers. For example, in the first stage of the process, which the sender encodes and selects a channel to transmit the message, there are barriers such as perception, information overload or channel selection barrier. Perception is generally how each individual interprets the world around him. All generally want to receive messages, which are significant to them, any message that is against their values is not accepted. Information overloads which happen when peoples are surrounded with a pool of information and cannot control this information flow else, too much information is as bad as too little because it reduces the audiences ability to concentrate on the most important part of the message, the information is likely to be misinterpreted or forgotten or overlooked. As a result, communication is less effective. Another barrier involves while the sender selecting a channel to communicate. Using an inappropriate channel can result in missed communication. Beside, communication barrier can also take place in other stage of communication process. Such as noise barrier in stage 2, noise interferes with message transmission which is anything distracting the receiver and causing message understanding errors. In stage 3 of communication process, barriers such as trust and credibility, not-listening barrier and emotional, may occur. People who not trustworthy will find difficult to communicate. Not listening usually involved when people is not paying attention, they just hear but not listening. In addition, emotional barriers happen if the receiver does not have mood to be objective and to listen. Furthermore, the last stage may have the filtering communication barrier, which people likely to alternating or distorting information to project a more favorable image. Beside the barriers that occur during the communication barrier, there are also many factors cause barrier. For example, different in gender: the different between men and women conversation style becomes a barrier, different in cross-cultural communication: differences in culture can cause barrier to communication. 5. Non-cooperation, no participation in workplace If there is not a cohesive relationship among employees and managements, some of them will not readily to cooperate. Some employees have higher qualification than others do, so they think they are better than others are. It leads to a distance among employees. That distance would prevent a clear Non-participation is also an factor leading to miscommunication. Participation in workplace or usually in a team working on a project often leads to a better understanding of potential problems because ideas are shared more openly between members of an organization. In a study of 493 employees (Kivimaki et al. , 2000), the result show that participative communication was the strongest indicator of innovation effectiveness and patents produced. Cooperation, participation, open discussion encourage member of an organization or a project team to have a desire of seeking information needed to understand contrary views, so that better knowledge, expertise, and problem solving can result. Cooperation and participation help building trust among employees in an organization or among team members of a project team. Therefore, they can establish common goals, and resolving project specifications. It is best employed in the project teams formative phases, so that its positive effects on team building may be used to leverage productivity and innovation ( Smith, 2001). 6. Miscommunications and misunderstandings in the workplace due to generation gaps Peoples attitudes are influenced by the familial and cultural experiences of their childhood and those values are brought into the workplace. In an organization, there are usually have multiple generation participating. Each generation have different characteristic. According to Mark Hirschfeld, principal in the human capital consulting group at SilverStone Group in Omaha, Neb The way we grew up earns us the right to see the world the way we see it. †Furthermore, according to Amy Hirsh Robinson, principal at workforce consulting firm Interchange Group in Los Angeles: Millennials think Generation X managers are jaded, bitter, abrasive, not interested in them, hoard their knowledge, and dont delegate†, and â€Å"Generation Xers think Millennials are too needy for attention and are emanding and overly confident, says Sylvia Ann Hewlett, an economist and founding president of the Center for Work-Life Policy, a nonprofit think tank in New York City. Members of Generation X also say, Millennials dont have a good work ethic, job-hop and live off their parents. It may not be true, but thats the stereotype. Therefore, the misunderstanding between generations in workplace is unavoidable, thus l eading to miscommunication. To overcome the generation gaps in an organization, all employees of the organization should spend more time to hang out, participate and get to know others. Therefore, employees in different generations can found their similarities in others, thus know other better, which reduce chance of miscommunication. 7. Organization structure Organizational structure is seen as the hierarchy through which a group, business or organization of people collaborate to achieve a set of objectives and common goals. The ways these hierarchical structures interact with each other affects the measurement of effectiveness in that organization. All organization, depend on its own side would have different communication technique, and different communication network. In large organizations where flow of information is downward, feedback is not always guaranteed. Organizations with a flat structure usually tend to have an intricately knitted communication network. Tall organizations generally have too many vertical communication links; as a result, messages become distorted as they move through various organization levels. 8. Different position of employees in an organization structure. People in different position of an organization hierarchy communicate with others, there is a possibility of miscommunication. Generally, employees at lower position would like to take about anything that their boss might interest in. They also very cautious when sending message to their boss. Member in different position in an organization have different chance to be criticized. Usually only lower position employees are given criticized from managers. Similarly, people of higher status may twist messages by refusing to discuss anything that would tend to weaken their authority in the organization such as allow employees to criticized them. In other words, they may want to maintain the significance of their status. This tendency is beneficial neither for the employees nor for the organization. Limiting oneself to a particular department or being responsible for a particular task can narrow ones point of view so that it differs from the attitudes, values, and expectations of people who belong to other departments or who are responsible for other tasks. Various studies considered the role of communication in superior-subordinate relationships (Hatfield and Huseman, 1982; Richmond and Roach, 1992; and Waldron, 1991). Eisenberg, Monge, and Farace (1984) found that greater levels of agreement on rules of initiation and termination for communication between supervisors or subordinates led higher evaluations of each other. Similarly, according to Wexley, Alexander, Greenawalt, and Couch (1980), managers who were more cognizant of subordinates work attitudes tended to give them more evaluations that are positive. Also, greater congruence by subordinates toward attitudes of managers led to increased satisfaction with supervision administered by them. 9. Message transmission channel To communicate in workplace, there are many variety channels. However, each of the channels to transmit the message in an organization has different weakness. Face-to-face communication usually is the most suitable standard because it can provides immediate feedback, transmits information from both verbal and non-verbal cues, and conveys the emotion behind the message. Although, other channels such as telephone or other interactive electronic media can provide immediate feedback even people in a long distance. However, it is lack of they do not provide visual non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, eye contact, and body movements. Through memos, letters, and reports, written communication can be personalized, but immediate feedback is lost along with the visual and vocal non-verbal cues that show the meaning of the message. According to a study by using questionnaire that is give to the Fortune 200 companies, show that 66% reported miscommunication most often occurred in oral/spoken communication, followed by 40% responses indicating written communication, and 10% individuals noting nonverbal body communication. When asked specifically, 47% of respondents identified e-mail as the media responsible for the most miscommunication. 0. Culture difference Miscommunication because of culture difference usually happens in a multi-national organization or global virtual team working on a project, which members are, located in different countries face cultural differences that can affect the overall success of the groups performance. It includes language barrier and different culture understanding. According to (Smith, 2001) National differences tend to align themselves with the intrinsic cultural influences of the nationalities of the persons within the group. Most nations prescribe either to an individualism or collectivism identity. By cultural differences between geographic regions, team members cannot communicate through face-to-face. Therefore, important tonal and body language cues were missing. For example, some body language sign would have different meanings in different country or culture. For that reason, miscommunication is sometimes unavoidable. It has a negative effect on relationships and communication between team members. Furthermore, no matter in what culture we find ourselves communicating, the task is to grasp, through noticeable and invisible clues, others intentions behind their encoded signs. All cultures have classification systems of value, and competent management communicators need to be sensitive to the distinctive gradations of other’s classification systems. As Van Gennep has pointed out, â€Å"every ordered society necessarily classes not only its human members, but also the objects and creatures of nature, sometimes according to their external form, sometimes according to their dominant psychic characteristics, sometimes according to their utility as food, in agriculture or in industry, or for the producer or consumer. Nothing entitles us to regard any one system of classification, say the zoological system of totemism, the cosmographic system, or the occupational system (castes) as prior to the others. †(qtd. in L_vi-Strauss 162) 11. Lack of trust Trust is the belief that somebody/something is good, sincere, honest, and will not try to harm or trick you. Lacking of trust in communication among employees would lead to miscommunication in an organization. Depend on the different kind of an organization; there are different ways, different channels to employees to communicate. Therefore, there are many different way to building trust among employees. In each transmission channels of communication, there are different advantages and disadvantage. According to The Media Richness theory by Daft et al. (1987) suggests that computer-based communication media may eliminate the type of communication cues that persons use to express trust, warmth, politeness, and other interpersonal affections. So that employees are difficult to building trust with other. In other hand, according to the SIDE theory discussed by Walther (1997) contends that electronic media communication is no different than face-to-face interaction in terms of social information exchange. Furthermore, we can see that in an organization, if the management do not trust the employees, then they do not believe all of the thing that employees report. So the manager will have to double check all the work, which leading to time consuming. In the other hand, if employees lack trust in manager, they will start questioning all of the decision or opinions of the manager. These lead to communication breakdown and ineffective in productivity of the organization. 12. Negative effect of miscommunication to productivity As communication is defined as a process of transmitting, sharing information, ideas, knowledge, and understanding among peoples. So, miscommunication means that misunderstanding and people cannot achieving common goal. The problems caused by miscommunication can be critical even for the peace of the World. According to Huffington Post in 2010, even NATO in Afghanistan has been blamed miscommunication in the fire incident. In organizations, managerial communication with its methods and levels of communication are in a key role achieve people act and perform as the organization needs. Miscommunication can take place in everyday life and easily corrected by a new communication. But the bigger the communicated issue is, and the more it cause needs of change in people’s behavior, the more important is to avoid miscommunication. The time used to correct all serious misunderstanding can be vital for the time reaching the assigned target. We can have a look back into the case of Toyota. Toyota has issued some recalls ranging from floor mats to faulty accelerator pedals to rusted out spare-tire carriers. According to their former Chief American Spokesman Jim Olson, the core of the issue was miscommunication. Furthermore, Jim Olson said: â€Å"there was a clear division between Toyotas decision making and execution teams. †Jim argues that this slowed the company down and prevented communication and planning within Toyota. The results were obviously not only devastating to the family members of those hurt or killed in accidents caused by these problems but also devastating effect on the future business and reputation of Toyota. Miscommunication can take place at anytime, anywhere, in any organization, from business company to a public hospital or from a factory to the government. For example, in a hospital doctor team is diagnosing for a patient, if miscommunication occurs among the doctor team, it not only added stress and confusion, on top of an already delicate situation. One Doctor would give his diagnosis and then the other Doctor would give a completely opposite diagnosis. It was as if the two doctors did not come together to discuss and compare notes. This miscommunication led to confusion and eventually if the patient being in critical condition, resulted would be far more worse. Good communication is the backbone of any organization. As an organization grows bigger and becomes more complex, there is more opportunity for miscommunication to spread within. It can have a damaging effect on not only an organization but also external world. So we all know that miscommunication in an organization not only affect the productivity of the organization or time-consuming to correct the failure but also have vital effect on outside the organization. 3. How to reduce negative effects of miscommunication There are many disadvantage of miscommunication, but there are also many way to prevent miscommunication in an organization. Most of miscommunication in organization comes from personal miscommunication among members of the organization. In order to reduce personal miscommunications, missed expectations, frustration, confusion, disappointment , anger, and many other emotions by doing some of the following things in mind when we are attempting to communicate. Firstly, if you want to have an easy, clear, ommunication, you should choose your words carefully; try to use not complicated words or those words that have so many different meanings. Secondly, make certain your body language and facial expressions are matching with your message. If a manager tells his/her team they did a good job and he/her rolls the eyes as saying it, they are going to believe that facial expression rather than the words. They will believe what they see every time over what they hear. Furthermore, people in an organization should give trust to others. Trust is the foundation stone when dealing with people. When trust exists in an organization or in a relationship, almost everything else is easier and more comfortable to achieve. Try to keep promises. If you cannot keep one, explain what is happening in the situation without delay. Feedback is communication to a person regarding the effect their behavior is having on others. You need to find a way to share concerns without making the person you are talking to feel threatened. Finally, if miscommunication occurs, try to solve the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damages. 14. Conclusion Communication is an important role in any organization. And communication process is a process, in which the message is encoded by sender then sent through many different channel to receiver. However, during all of stages of communication process, many factors can occur and affect to the message, which lead to miscommunication. As far as we know, most of reasons of miscommunication in an organization leading to communication breakdown and further is ineffective productivity. Most of the reasons leading to miscommunication in an organization are from personal miscommunication among employees or member of the organization. It could be miscommunication because of perception or information overload, or because of noise or the way people chosen to communicate, or different in culture or, lacking of trust between employers or employees and management, which lead to employees not willing to cooperate or participate. Furthermore, we know that an organization structure is a reason leading to miscommunication. Different organization structure has different weakness, such as a tall organization generally have too many vertical communication links, which the message would be modified, change, or lost during the process. Communication has a vital affect to the organization especially the organization productivity. If an organization have a good communication process among employees, the process of sharing ideas, information, knowledge and opinions is faster, more accurate, It not only lead to effective productivity, saving more time and resource of the organization but also reduce the chance of vital negative activities. However, if an organization have problems in communication process among people, which lead to miscommunication and ineffective productivity or more critical failure. The negative effects of miscommunication not only have an effect on an organization itself but also the outside world such as customers or other organization. Finally, miscommunication in an organization is unavoidable, but the organization must know what to do to reduce the chance of miscommunication as well as it negative effects. Reference Miscommunication in workplace, Sources, Prevention, Response- David Snowball December 1, 2011 How to avoid miscommunication- Rex C. Houze, Founder ; President Improving Performance ; Results Communication, and miscommunication in corporate America: evidence from fortune 200 firms by Nitham M. Hindi, Donald S. Miller, Stephen E. Catt The Effects of Miscommunication and Inaccurate Reporting On an Organization. Author: julia_877  03 February 2012 How Does Organizational Structure Affect Performance Measurement? By JOHN S, eHow Contributor How to Prevent Most Cross Cultural Miscommunication by Examining Your Own English Communication by Cindy King Explore effectiveness of team communication: Balancing synchronous and asynchronous communication in design team. By Den Otter, Ad; Emmitt, Stephan. Engineering, Constructions, Architecture management 14. 5 (2007) page 408-419 Essay: Miscommunication in Organizations. ttp://www. essayxperts. com/essay-miscommunication-in-organizations/ Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams Tugrul U. Daim, Anita Ha,Shawn Reutimanc, Brennan Hughes, Ujjal Pathak, Wayne Bynum, Ashok Bhatla. Received 14 July 2010. Revised 19 April 2011. Accepted 21 June 2011. Available online 3 August 2011. Review: A cognitive-affective mode l of organizational communication for designing IT by Teeni, Dov. MIS Quarterly25. 2 (Jun 2001): 251-312. Female and Male Managers’ and Professionals’ Criticism Giving. Differences in Language Use and Effects by Anthony Mulac1, David R. Seibold2 and Jennifer Lee Farris. The impact of transactive memory systems on IS development teams coordination, communication, and performance by Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Sheng-Pao Shih, Jerry C. Chiang, Julie Yu-Chih Liu Developing international management communication competence | by Chapel, W B Journal of Business and Technical Communication, ISSN 1050-6519, 07/1997, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 281 296 | Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations | by Grabowski, Martha and Roberts, Karlene H Organization Science, ISSN 1047-7039, 11/1999, Volume 10, Issue 6, pp. 04 721 Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams | by Daim, Tugrul U; Ha, Anita; Reutiman, Shawn; Hughes, Brennan; Pathak, Ujjal; Bynum,Multicultural organizations: Common language and group cohesivenessJakob Lauring Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmark and Jan Selmer Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmarkhttp://blog. peoplemetrics. com/combating-miscommunication-in-the-wo rkplace/Causes of Miscommunication-Dr. PaulsenCommunication Barriers Reasons for Communication Breakdown from http://www. managementstudyguide. com/communication_barriers. htm | | The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization Essay Example The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization Paper Reasons of miscommunication leading to lesser productivity in an organization Nguyen Nam Khanh B0902385 Abstract Communication is a process beginning with a sender who encodes the message and passes it through some channel to the receiver who decodes the message. Communication is fruitful if and only if the receiver interprets the messages sent by the sender with same meaning. If any kind of disturbance blocks any step of communication, the message will be destroyed. Communication is more important in an organization. Cause miscommunication would lead to several problems to the organization especially, productivity. This paper would find out what reasons of miscommunication on an organization leading to ineffective productivity. Keyword: Communication, organization, productivity. 1. Introduction Communication is always a very important role in personal life. In fact, it is said to be the backbone of living. The meanings of communication may be very different. Communication consists of all the processes by which information is transmitted and received. The subject matter may include facts, intentions, attitudes etc. and the chief purpose of communication is to make the receiver to understand what is in the mind of the sender. Communication is very crucial and unavoidable since we have intentions, which we want to pass across to another person, group or even to the external world. Communication provide evidence that people is living. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Miscommunication in an Orgnization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Because one must like to communicate with people around him or her to share experience, ideas and feelings. In an organization, communication is inevitable and indispensable and can have huge impacts on how the organization works as a whole. Communication in an organization is about sharing ideas, information, opinions, and plans from person to person, department to department and inside the organization to external world. As far as we know, an effective communicate organization can get many benefits, uch as: increasing productivity, improve efficiency, cut costs, improve morale, and decrease turnover, etc. Besides that, miscommunication or ineffective communication usually has negative effects. For examples: souring relations, leading to poor performances and felt on the productivity, and ultimately the outcome. Therefore, to get those benefits and avoid further negative effects, we need to find out why miscommunication takes place. 2. Interpersonal communication process According t o Robert N. Lussier (Springfield College), communication is a process in which consist of a sender who encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver who decodes it and may give feedback. The communication process consists of four steps. Step 1: The sender encodes the message and selects transmission channel Step 2: The sender transmits the message through a channel Step 3: The receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is need Step 4: Feedback 3. Organization communication In order to know more what reasons lead to miscommunication in workplace, we must know more about organization communicate so that we can answer the question. An organization refer to when people come together to work in pursuit of common goals, they establish a hierarchy of authority in other to achieve the common goals, they also in the process divide tasks according to members area of specialization so that the human resources within the organization can be properly harnessed to achieve the set objectives. According to Robert N. Lussier (Springfield College), communication in an organization generally is the compounded interpersonal communication process across and organization. Therefore, any of communication barriers between individual personal in an organization would affect the performance of the organization. 4. Interpersonal communication barrier There are many barriers could affect the interpersonal communication process, which may lead to miscommunication, which leading to limited, ineffective productivity in an organization. Each different stage of the communication process could have different barriers. For example, in the first stage of the process, which the sender encodes and selects a channel to transmit the message, there are barriers such as perception, information overload or channel selection barrier. Perception is generally how each individual interprets the world around him. All generally want to receive messages, which are significant to them, any message that is against their values is not accepted. Information overloads which happen when peoples are surrounded with a pool of information and cannot control this information flow else, too much information is as bad as too little because it reduces the audiences ability to concentrate on the most important part of the message, the information is likely to be misinterpreted or forgotten or overlooked. As a result, communication is less effective. Another barrier involves while the sender selecting a channel to communicate. Using an inappropriate channel can result in missed communication. Beside, communication barrier can also take place in other stage of communication process. Such as noise barrier in stage 2, noise interferes with message transmission which is anything distracting the receiver and causing message understanding errors. In stage 3 of communication process, barriers such as trust and credibility, not-listening barrier and emotional, may occur. People who not trustworthy will find difficult to communicate. Not listening usually involved when people is not paying attention, they just hear but not listening. In addition, emotional barriers happen if the receiver does not have mood to be objective and to listen. Furthermore, the last stage may have the filtering communication barrier, which people likely to alternating or distorting information to project a more favorable image. Beside the barriers that occur during the communication barrier, there are also many factors cause barrier. For example, different in gender: the different between men and women conversation style becomes a barrier, different in cross-cultural communication: differences in culture can cause barrier to communication. 5. Non-cooperation, no participation in workplace If there is not a cohesive relationship among employees and managements, some of them will not readily to cooperate. Some employees have higher qualification than others do, so they think they are better than others are. It leads to a distance among employees. That distance would prevent a clear Non-participation is also an factor leading to miscommunication. Participation in workplace or usually in a team working on a project often leads to a better understanding of potential problems because ideas are shared more openly between members of an organization. In a study of 493 employees (Kivimaki et al. , 2000), the result show that participative communication was the strongest indicator of innovation effectiveness and patents produced. Cooperation, participation, open discussion encourage member of an organization or a project team to have a desire of seeking information needed to understand contrary views, so that better knowledge, expertise, and problem solving can result. Cooperation and participation help building trust among employees in an organization or among team members of a project team. Therefore, they can establish common goals, and resolving project specifications. It is best employed in the project teams formative phases, so that its positive effects on team building may be used to leverage productivity and innovation ( Smith, 2001). 6. Miscommunications and misunderstandings in the workplace due to generation gaps Peoples attitudes are influenced by the familial and cultural experiences of their childhood and those values are brought into the workplace. In an organization, there are usually have multiple generation participating. Each generation have different characteristic. According to Mark Hirschfeld, principal in the human capital consulting group at SilverStone Group in Omaha, Neb The way we grew up earns us the right to see the world the way we see it. †Furthermore, according to Amy Hirsh Robinson, principal at workforce consulting firm Interchange Group in Los Angeles: Millennials think Generation X managers are jaded, bitter, abrasive, not interested in them, hoard their knowledge, and dont delegate†, and â€Å"Generation Xers think Millennials are too needy for attention and are emanding and overly confident, says Sylvia Ann Hewlett, an economist and founding president of the Center for Work-Life Policy, a nonprofit think tank in New York City. Members of Generation X also say, Millennials dont have a good work ethic, job-hop and live off their parents. It may not be true, but thats the stereotype. Therefore, the misunderstanding between generations in workplace is unavoidable, thus l eading to miscommunication. To overcome the generation gaps in an organization, all employees of the organization should spend more time to hang out, participate and get to know others. Therefore, employees in different generations can found their similarities in others, thus know other better, which reduce chance of miscommunication. 7. Organization structure Organizational structure is seen as the hierarchy through which a group, business or organization of people collaborate to achieve a set of objectives and common goals. The ways these hierarchical structures interact with each other affects the measurement of effectiveness in that organization. All organization, depend on its own side would have different communication technique, and different communication network. In large organizations where flow of information is downward, feedback is not always guaranteed. Organizations with a flat structure usually tend to have an intricately knitted communication network. Tall organizations generally have too many vertical communication links; as a result, messages become distorted as they move through various organization levels. 8. Different position of employees in an organization structure. People in different position of an organization hierarchy communicate with others, there is a possibility of miscommunication. Generally, employees at lower position would like to take about anything that their boss might interest in. They also very cautious when sending message to their boss. Member in different position in an organization have different chance to be criticized. Usually only lower position employees are given criticized from managers. Similarly, people of higher status may twist messages by refusing to discuss anything that would tend to weaken their authority in the organization such as allow employees to criticized them. In other words, they may want to maintain the significance of their status. This tendency is beneficial neither for the employees nor for the organization. Limiting oneself to a particular department or being responsible for a particular task can narrow ones point of view so that it differs from the attitudes, values, and expectations of people who belong to other departments or who are responsible for other tasks. Various studies considered the role of communication in superior-subordinate relationships (Hatfield and Huseman, 1982; Richmond and Roach, 1992; and Waldron, 1991). Eisenberg, Monge, and Farace (1984) found that greater levels of agreement on rules of initiation and termination for communication between supervisors or subordinates led higher evaluations of each other. Similarly, according to Wexley, Alexander, Greenawalt, and Couch (1980), managers who were more cognizant of subordinates work attitudes tended to give them more evaluations that are positive. Also, greater congruence by subordinates toward attitudes of managers led to increased satisfaction with supervision administered by them. 9. Message transmission channel To communicate in workplace, there are many variety channels. However, each of the channels to transmit the message in an organization has different weakness. Face-to-face communication usually is the most suitable standard because it can provides immediate feedback, transmits information from both verbal and non-verbal cues, and conveys the emotion behind the message. Although, other channels such as telephone or other interactive electronic media can provide immediate feedback even people in a long distance. However, it is lack of they do not provide visual non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, eye contact, and body movements. Through memos, letters, and reports, written communication can be personalized, but immediate feedback is lost along with the visual and vocal non-verbal cues that show the meaning of the message. According to a study by using questionnaire that is give to the Fortune 200 companies, show that 66% reported miscommunication most often occurred in oral/spoken communication, followed by 40% responses indicating written communication, and 10% individuals noting nonverbal body communication. When asked specifically, 47% of respondents identified e-mail as the media responsible for the most miscommunication. 0. Culture difference Miscommunication because of culture difference usually happens in a multi-national organization or global virtual team working on a project, which members are, located in different countries face cultural differences that can affect the overall success of the groups performance. It includes language barrier and different culture understanding. According to (Smith, 2001) National differences tend to align themselves with the intrinsic cultural influences of the nationalities of the persons within the group. Most nations prescribe either to an individualism or collectivism identity. By cultural differences between geographic regions, team members cannot communicate through face-to-face. Therefore, important tonal and body language cues were missing. For example, some body language sign would have different meanings in different country or culture. For that reason, miscommunication is sometimes unavoidable. It has a negative effect on relationships and communication between team members. Furthermore, no matter in what culture we find ourselves communicating, the task is to grasp, through noticeable and invisible clues, others intentions behind their encoded signs. All cultures have classification systems of value, and competent management communicators need to be sensitive to the distinctive gradations of other’s classification systems. As Van Gennep has pointed out, â€Å"every ordered society necessarily classes not only its human members, but also the objects and creatures of nature, sometimes according to their external form, sometimes according to their dominant psychic characteristics, sometimes according to their utility as food, in agriculture or in industry, or for the producer or consumer. Nothing entitles us to regard any one system of classification, say the zoological system of totemism, the cosmographic system, or the occupational system (castes) as prior to the others. †(qtd. in L_vi-Strauss 162) 11. Lack of trust Trust is the belief that somebody/something is good, sincere, honest, and will not try to harm or trick you. Lacking of trust in communication among employees would lead to miscommunication in an organization. Depend on the different kind of an organization; there are different ways, different channels to employees to communicate. Therefore, there are many different way to building trust among employees. In each transmission channels of communication, there are different advantages and disadvantage. According to The Media Richness theory by Daft et al. (1987) suggests that computer-based communication media may eliminate the type of communication cues that persons use to express trust, warmth, politeness, and other interpersonal affections. So that employees are difficult to building trust with other. In other hand, according to the SIDE theory discussed by Walther (1997) contends that electronic media communication is no different than face-to-face interaction in terms of social information exchange. Furthermore, we can see that in an organization, if the management do not trust the employees, then they do not believe all of the thing that employees report. So the manager will have to double check all the work, which leading to time consuming. In the other hand, if employees lack trust in manager, they will start questioning all of the decision or opinions of the manager. These lead to communication breakdown and ineffective in productivity of the organization. 12. Negative effect of miscommunication to productivity As communication is defined as a process of transmitting, sharing information, ideas, knowledge, and understanding among peoples. So, miscommunication means that misunderstanding and people cannot achieving common goal. The problems caused by miscommunication can be critical even for the peace of the World. According to Huffington Post in 2010, even NATO in Afghanistan has been blamed miscommunication in the fire incident. In organizations, managerial communication with its methods and levels of communication are in a key role achieve people act and perform as the organization needs. Miscommunication can take place in everyday life and easily corrected by a new communication. But the bigger the communicated issue is, and the more it cause needs of change in people’s behavior, the more important is to avoid miscommunication. The time used to correct all serious misunderstanding can be vital for the time reaching the assigned target. We can have a look back into the case of Toyota. Toyota has issued some recalls ranging from floor mats to faulty accelerator pedals to rusted out spare-tire carriers. According to their former Chief American Spokesman Jim Olson, the core of the issue was miscommunication. Furthermore, Jim Olson said: â€Å"there was a clear division between Toyotas decision making and execution teams. †Jim argues that this slowed the company down and prevented communication and planning within Toyota. The results were obviously not only devastating to the family members of those hurt or killed in accidents caused by these problems but also devastating effect on the future business and reputation of Toyota. Miscommunication can take place at anytime, anywhere, in any organization, from business company to a public hospital or from a factory to the government. For example, in a hospital doctor team is diagnosing for a patient, if miscommunication occurs among the doctor team, it not only added stress and confusion, on top of an already delicate situation. One Doctor would give his diagnosis and then the other Doctor would give a completely opposite diagnosis. It was as if the two doctors did not come together to discuss and compare notes. This miscommunication led to confusion and eventually if the patient being in critical condition, resulted would be far more worse. Good communication is the backbone of any organization. As an organization grows bigger and becomes more complex, there is more opportunity for miscommunication to spread within. It can have a damaging effect on not only an organization but also external world. So we all know that miscommunication in an organization not only affect the productivity of the organization or time-consuming to correct the failure but also have vital effect on outside the organization. 3. How to reduce negative effects of miscommunication There are many disadvantage of miscommunication, but there are also many way to prevent miscommunication in an organization. Most of miscommunication in organization comes from personal miscommunication among members of the organization. In order to reduce personal miscommunications, missed expectations, frustration, confusion, disappointment , anger, and many other emotions by doing some of the following things in mind when we are attempting to communicate. Firstly, if you want to have an easy, clear, ommunication, you should choose your words carefully; try to use not complicated words or those words that have so many different meanings. Secondly, make certain your body language and facial expressions are matching with your message. If a manager tells his/her team they did a good job and he/her rolls the eyes as saying it, they are going to believe that facial expression rather than the words. They will believe what they see every time over what they hear. Furthermore, people in an organization should give trust to others. Trust is the foundation stone when dealing with people. When trust exists in an organization or in a relationship, almost everything else is easier and more comfortable to achieve. Try to keep promises. If you cannot keep one, explain what is happening in the situation without delay. Feedback is communication to a person regarding the effect their behavior is having on others. You need to find a way to share concerns without making the person you are talking to feel threatened. Finally, if miscommunication occurs, try to solve the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damages. 14. Conclusion Communication is an important role in any organization. And communication process is a process, in which the message is encoded by sender then sent through many different channel to receiver. However, during all of stages of communication process, many factors can occur and affect to the message, which lead to miscommunication. As far as we know, most of reasons of miscommunication in an organization leading to communication breakdown and further is ineffective productivity. Most of the reasons leading to miscommunication in an organization are from personal miscommunication among employees or member of the organization. It could be miscommunication because of perception or information overload, or because of noise or the way people chosen to communicate, or different in culture or, lacking of trust between employers or employees and management, which lead to employees not willing to cooperate or participate. Furthermore, we know that an organization structure is a reason leading to miscommunication. Different organization structure has different weakness, such as a tall organization generally have too many vertical communication links, which the message would be modified, change, or lost during the process. Communication has a vital affect to the organization especially the organization productivity. If an organization have a good communication process among employees, the process of sharing ideas, information, knowledge and opinions is faster, more accurate, It not only lead to effective productivity, saving more time and resource of the organization but also reduce the chance of vital negative activities. However, if an organization have problems in communication process among people, which lead to miscommunication and ineffective productivity or more critical failure. The negative effects of miscommunication not only have an effect on an organization itself but also the outside world such as customers or other organization. Finally, miscommunication in an organization is unavoidable, but the organization must know what to do to reduce the chance of miscommunication as well as it negative effects. Reference Miscommunication in workplace, Sources, Prevention, Response- David Snowball December 1, 2011 How to avoid miscommunication- Rex C. Houze, Founder ; President Improving Performance ; Results Communication, and miscommunication in corporate America: evidence from fortune 200 firms by Nitham M. Hindi, Donald S. Miller, Stephen E. Catt The Effects of Miscommunication and Inaccurate Reporting On an Organization. Author: julia_877 03 February 2012 How Does Organizational Structure Affect Performance Measurement? By JOHN S, eHow Contributor How to Prevent Most Cross Cultural Miscommunication by Examining Your Own English Communication by Cindy King Explore effectiveness of team communication: Balancing synchronous and asynchronous communication in design team. By Den Otter, Ad; Emmitt, Stephan. Engineering, Constructions, Architecture management 14. 5 (2007) page 408-419 Essay: Miscommunication in Organizations. ttp://www. essayxperts. com/essay-miscommunication-in-organizations/ Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams Tugrul U. Daim, Anita Ha,Shawn Reutimanc, Brennan Hughes, Ujjal Pathak, Wayne Bynum, Ashok Bhatla. Received 14 July 2010. Revised 19 April 2011. Accepted 21 June 2011. Available online 3 August 2011. Review: A cognitive-affective model of o rganizational communication for designing IT by Teeni, Dov. MIS Quarterly25. 2 (Jun 2001): 251-312. Female and Male Managers’ and Professionals’ Criticism Giving. Differences in Language Use and Effects by Anthony Mulac1, David R. Seibold2 and Jennifer Lee Farris. The impact of transactive memory systems on IS development teams coordination, communication, and performance by Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Sheng-Pao Shih, Jerry C. Chiang, Julie Yu-Chih Liu Developing international management communication competence | by Chapel, W B Journal of Business and Technical Communication, ISSN 1050-6519, 07/1997, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 281 296 | Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations | by Grabowski, Martha and Roberts, Karlene H Organization Science, ISSN 1047-7039, 11/1999, Volume 10, Issue 6, pp. 04 721 Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams | by Daim, Tugrul U; Ha, Anita; Reutiman, Shawn; Hughes, Brennan; Pathak, Ujjal; Bynum,Multicultural organizations: Common language and group cohesivenessJakob Lauring Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmark and Jan Selmer Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmarkhttp://blog. peoplemetrics. com/combating-miscommunication-in-the-wo rkplace/Causes of Miscommunication-Dr. PaulsenCommunication Barriers Reasons for Communication Breakdown from http://www. managementstudyguide. com/communication_barriers. htm | |
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms
10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms 10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms 10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms By Mark Nichol Many pairs of words, often but not always etymologically related, can be easily confused for each other though they mean almost the opposite. Distinguish carefully between these odd couples: Contemptible: deserving of contempt, or despicable (â€Å"Their effort to suddenly kiss up to her once she inherited money was contemptible.†) Contemptuous: demonstrating contempt (â€Å"His contemptuous dismissal of the idea was inexcusably rude.†) (Both words stem from the Latin contemnere, â€Å"to despise.†) Flare: a signal light or a similar literal or figurative eruption (The shipwrecked sailor fired a signal flare to attract attention from the passing vessel.†) Flair: talent, or style (â€Å"He’s shown a remarkable flair for the craft.†) (Flare has uncertain origin, but it is not likely related to flair, from the Latin fragrare â€Å"odor.†) Gourmet: an expert on, or one who appreciates the nuances of, food or drink (â€Å"His reputation as a gourmet rests on his familiarity with all the best restaurants.†) Gourmand: a person enthusiastic about good food and drink; glutton (â€Å"My neighbor the gourmand has pretensions of being knowledgeable about wine.†) (Gourmet is from the French grommet, â€Å"boy servant,†perhaps itself based on English groom; gourmand derives from the Middle French gourmant. In French, gourmand remains a close synonym of gourmet, with no negative connotation.) Incredible: inspiring disbelief, extraordinary (â€Å"The fact that she had survived the ordeal was incredible.†) Incredulous: disbelieving (â€Å"I looked at him with a gaze of incredulous wonder.†) (Both words are from the antonym of the Latin credibilis, â€Å"credible.†) Mantel: a shelf or supporting structure above a fireplace (â€Å"She approached the fireplace and placed the candelabra on the marble mantel.†) Mantle: a literal or figurative cloak, covering, or layer (â€Å"A mantle of authority lay on the chieftain’s broad shoulders.†) (Both words derive from the Latin mantellum.) Material: matter, or components (â€Å"She brushed up against an object covered with soft material.†) Materiel: supplies and equipment, especially used by a specific organization (â€Å"The army found itself running low on materiel as its supply lines were cut.†) (Both words come from the French materiel.) Ordinance: order or law, or established usage (â€Å"The ordinance went into effect on January 1.†) Ordnance: artillery, or weapon-related military supplies (â€Å"The fort was equipped with enough ordnance to withstand several regiments.†) (Both words stem from the Latin ordinare, to put into order.†) Temerity: recklessness (â€Å"My assistant had the temerity to suggest that I didn’t know how to do my job!†) Timidity: lacking in courage or boldness (â€Å"Her timidity about approaching him resulted in another missed opportunity.†) (Temerity is from the Latin temere, â€Å"blindly†; timidity derives from the Latin timere, â€Å"fear.†) Troop: a military unit or similar group (â€Å"The outnumbered troop retreated in the face of overwhelming firepower.†) Troupe: a theatrical group or other collection of entertainers (â€Å"Stratford was often visited by traveling troupes of professional actors.†) (The first word is a variant of the second, a Middle French word meaning â€Å"company†and related to the Germanic thorp, â€Å"village,†which survives in English place names as spelled or, more often, as thorpe.) Venal: mercenary, corrupt (â€Å"His approach to business is purely venal.†) Venial: forgivable, excusable (â€Å"I consider envy a venial sin.†) (Venal derives from Latin the venum, â€Å"sale†; venial comes from the Latin venia, â€Å"pardon.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About HandsHow to Punctuate Descriptions of ColorsContinue and "Continue on"
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Neuropsychological Assessment Individually Administered Intelligence Tests
Neuropsychological Assessment Individually Administered Intelligence Tests Individually Administered Intelligence Tests Individually administered intelligence tests are considered to be one of the most important staples in psychological, clinical, and counseling fields. (Hogan, 2007) To achieve good results during the communication with a person, it is better to combine these tests with some other activities, which may help to gather more information for analysis. It is necessary to admit that individually administered intelligence tests have lots of common characteristics, which have to be taken into consideration, while creating the test.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Neuropsychological Assessment: Individually Administered Intelligence Tests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the very name of this test, it is obvious that it is individually administered; there should be an examiner, a person, who poses questions and analyzes the results, and an examinee, a person, who answers. It is crucially important that the examinee answer all questions truly to provide the examiner with the chance to present the proper results. Of course, administration of all these tests should be advanced training. One more characteristic of these tests is variety of age and abilities. It is necessary to determine the age of the examinee in order to create appropriate questions and be sure he/she will answer them somehow. Rapport is another characteristic that has to be considered to make the conversation more friendly. The conversation of between the examinee and examiner should pass in the free-response format. It will help the examinee present questions taking into account personal interests and abilities. The examiner should also score all the answers immediately. This very characteristic is closely connected to advanced training, where examiners should improve their abilities while testing. The last but one characteristic lies in time limitations. The test should be about one hou r. During this very period of time, it is possible to pose enough questions to get a clear picture about the patient’s condition. Final characteristic, a real advantage of such tests, is the opportunity for observation. This opportunity helps to present a concrete report about the individual. To create a really good individually administered intelligence test, it is also necessary to remember about its trends, like remedial materials, which help to develop individual’s strengths and remediate his/her weaknesses, and attention to test bias that helps to develop the use of the tests because of certain attention to minority groups and people with some disabilities. Neuropsychological Assessment A neuropsychological assessment is a kind of activity that helps to improve the condition of a client, who faces some problems with the nervous system. For example, it may be a student at the age of 12. This assessment may take place in the classroom. Before the very process of int erviewing the client, it is better to consult this student’s parents and friends in order to get a clear picture about the person, his/her abilities and reactions and gather some. One of the neuropsychological tests that may be used is checking the client’s memory and the reaction to different situations. It is possible to present several photos with familiar and not familiar pictures of people and places and observe the client’s reaction, and at the end, ask what first picture he/she remembers. Examination of memory’s areas is one of the major steps in the neuropsychological assessment. With the help of the information, gathered from relatives, and analysis of the client’s actions, it is quite possible to start the evaluation of a person and identifying his/her problems.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological Testing: A Practical Introduction. John Wiley Sons.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Migration of human beings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Migration of human beings - Essay Example International trade is another factor that is seen to be supporting globalization in the world today. When people from different parts of the world are involved in trade, they tend to have a relationship that will go beyond trade. With international trade, specialization of products is realized a country produces what it can best and then distribute it to the rest of the world. This kind of trade really facilitates globalization. Integration of financial market and rapid movement of capital on the other hand supports the concept of globalization. For the case of an international company, it brings about movement of capital and integration of financial market thereby facilitating globalization. In cost globalization divers it entails the factors of production differences in different areas, high product development in some areas, rapidly changing technology, global scale economies and sourcing efficiencies. In government globalization drivers, it entails common market regulations, unrestrictive trade and investment policies and compatible technical standard. When these factors are harmonized in the world, they facilitate globalization. Globalization effects are felt in different perspective depending with the impact it will have as a whole. Inflation effects are felt due to the globalization meaning the monetary policy is greatly affected.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Real life research Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Real life research - Coursework Example 2. A major advantage of mail panel research is that the cost is low especially since bulk postage is cheap. There is also no interviewer bias and the respondents can answer at their convenience. Furthermore, mail surveys may be long so a large amount of information can be obtained. A major drawback of this kind of research is that the surveys can be returned after several months; thus, a cause of delay in the research. There is a low response rate with this kind of survey. This kind of research is not suitable if the issues in the survey need clarification such as very technical topics. I think NFO used a mail panel because it is less costly. Since NFO has a set of panelists already, they did not have to gather a new group for the research. This means less effort and expense on their part. Moreover, NFO can reach a larger population with this kind of survey because it does not require personal
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The European sovereign debt crisis during 2010-2011 Essay - 1
The European sovereign debt crisis during 2010-2011 - Essay Example Matters involving liability crisis have in the recent years being reported globally, as the level of the sovereign arrears of some of the financial scheme of the world have risen, giving them a threat of failure to pay. A Financial network is thought to be in an obligation crisis once its government has failed to pay its debt. However, not any of the nations that are at present in debt disaster has defaulted, but they involve extremely high government debt balances, and their bond output spreads in the securities of the government have gone up, as a result, there is relegation of their sovereign ratings for credit. When an area suffers this crisis, it might be able to undergo a sudden discontinue of inflows from the foreign capital because of major loss of capitalist confidence regarding the economy. The Eurozone had kept an overall acceptable short-term financial credit between 1999 to the year 2007. However, there existed large as well as continuing inequities in the region.  "Greece, Spain, Portugal, and to a lesser extent Ireland†, sustained massive current account shortfalls, and Germany, Netherlands, along with Luxembourg, had profits in the account (Braga & Vincelette 222). The providers of the large plus extended current account losses are dissimilar across these countries. As years went by, the deficits balances of the current financial standing have been increasing, also, a decrease to the surpluses in the other countries. The existing crisis on debt commenced with the demise of the banking corporation in Iceland in the year 2008, and spread to some of the countries in Europe like the Ireland, Portugal, as well as Greece in the year 2009. At the beginning of the second half of this year, reports concerning the debt crisis on the United Sates also blew up (Economic Review 1; Braga & Vincelette 222-225). The crisis originated from various factors and had tremendous implications to the economy of the European countries. GDP Growth in the Euroz one, Q4 2009–Q1 2011 (Belkin, & Mix, & Nelson, 14) Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, April 2011 (Belkin, & Mix, & Nelson, 4). Reasons behind the Financial Crisis The debts predicaments are featured to pro-cyclical economic policy in the period preceding the economic crisis. The countries impinged on had being managing large and untenable fiscal deficits for several years, largely funded through borrowing. The Government of Greek used deficit spending to increase extraordinarily, the people’s standard of living as the debt funded the joblessness societal benefits, raised the remuneration of public workers along with pensioners’ income, and sustained a mutually respectful labor market. The evident cause of the â€Å"European Debt Crisis†is also the changing of the ‘European Monetary Union’ (EMU) from financial stimuli to fiscal consolidation in the year 2009. Until that year, the EMU together with the entire European Union (EU) and other main financial systems followed the IMF order in the upshot of Lehman Brother’s insolvency, to promote global demand by way of increasing government spending. The
Friday, November 15, 2019
Development of Four Year Old | Observational Study
Development of Four Year Old | Observational Study INTRODUCTION TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT Felicia Heong Shin Nin Yvonne Michelle a/p Stephen Das ( ) Ahmad Syazwan ( ) Acknowledgements This book is the result of research on 4 year old children development. The purpose of this book is to share the knowledge and experience collected in the period of time given. I was stimulated by the different milestones a child goes through while growing up and how to tell the difference between a child who is just taking his or her and one who has a true developmental delay. This book is intended for people to understand children’s behavior and guide them along the way.In preparation of this book, many have contributed many helpful comments and information both directly and indirectly, I would therefore like to say thank you to those who made it possible for me to study this subject more in-depth, theoretically as well as practically. There are also some individuals who I need to personally thank for their helpful assistance. A big thank you goes out to my lecturer, Miss Lee Wai Mun for her generous knowledge, research and experience, all of which have been of great importa nce in the writing process of this book. Finally, none of the people I have mentioned are to be held account for the final version you have in your hands. All of the content in this book is entirely my responsibility. But I hope that the information in this book will enlightened you and help you understand more about the developments of a child. Introduction Children grow in unique ways. While children develop at their own pace, every child should do certain tasks by a certain age and its impossible to tell exactly when a child will learn a given skill. Theres more to tracking a child’s development than logging height and weight as the process ofdevelopingfrom a baby into a child requires the achievement of manymilestonesin language, physical, social, emotional development, etc. Hence, developmental milestones give parents a general idea of the changes to expect as the child gets older. This book is about your four year old child. In the course of this year children are moving out of babyhood into childhood. They have rich imaginations, they may have strong fears, they love to play and they enjoy physical activity. They are beginning to be more comfortable spending some time away from their usual comfort zone. Sometimes they are timid about trying new things. Of course all four year olds are different and they may develop at different rates. Indeed, sometimes it’s a case of two steps forward and one step back, with children appearing to forget the things they once knew. Although it is difficult to define ‘normal’ development, there are some milestonesthat children can be expected to achieve. However, if you are worried about your childs development, or if they cant do things that they used to do for more than a short time, it is important to see a pediatrician or child health nurse. If there is anything wrong, getting in early will help. Otherwise it is good to know that your child is developing normally in his or her own special way. It is of utmost importance to remember that the milestones are approximate, not absolute. Each child develops at his or her own pace, and some stages may occur earlier or later this guidebook allows explanations of variations physical, cognitive, emotional, and social developmental milestones to be expected during the first year of life to gain insight into observing in children today and to preview what to look forward to in the years ahead. Chapter One: Cognitive Milestone Most children this age can speak clearly using more complex sentences and enjoy singing, rhyming, and making up words. They are energetic, silly, and, at times, rowdy and obnoxious. Children this age can also count ten or more objects and correctly name at least four colors and three shapes. They are able to recognize some letters and possibly write his or her name. Cognitive development, or the process of growth in intellectual abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding, is a major component of early childhood. According to the World Health Organization, early childhood is the most important phase of development throughout the lifespan. So games for cognitive development during early childhood are an effective way to help kids grow intellectually. Categorizing is the type of games that encourage sorting, matching and classifying and are excellent for cognitive development. Identifying colors is a necessary skill that people use every dayâ€â€for choosing which clothes to wear, reading signs, following traffic signalsand describing the surrounding world. This activity provides an interactive, colorful way for your preschooler to practice color recognition. It introduces children to this bright new world of colors using ordinary household objects such as buttons to group these objects into different sections and learn to recognize colors using a homemade egg carton sorter. Lesson Plan: Date: 10th April 2015 Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 35 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Name it, Sort it Materials: 3 Paper egg carton (half-dozen or full dozen), different brightly-colored buttons. Theme: Color Day Focus: (BM 2.0) Kemahiran Bertutur (PFK 1.0) Perkembangan Motor Halus (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik Standard Content: (BM 2.1) Berinteraksi dengan mesra (PFK 1.2) Melakukan kemahiran kordinasi mata tangan dalam perkembangan kemahiran motor halus. (ST 2.3) Membanding dan mengelaskan objek. Learning Standard: (BM 2.1.1) Berbual dengan sebutan perkataan yang betul. (PFK 1.2.5) Menggunakan jari untuk menguntai objek bersaiz besar dengan menggunakan tali besar. (ST 2.3.1) Membanding dan mengumpulkan objek-objek mengikut satu ciri: A.)Warna B.)Bentuk Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Color song Teacher would ask the children to sit on the floor in a circle. Teacher sings the color song and asks the children to sing and clap along. â€Å"Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue, , Red, yellow, green and blue, Purple, orange, brown and black, Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue.†-Tune of song is of, â€Å"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes†. Step 1 (5 minutes) Group name Teacher divides children into 3 groups, each group consisting of 5 children. Children are asks to name their group and come up front of the class to introduce their friends. Step 2 (5 minutes) Name the colors Teacher shows the painted egg carton to the children. Teacher distributes the egg carton to each group. Then, each group is to stand up and name all the colors painted on the egg carton. -Egg carton. Step 3 (10 minutes) Buttons Teacher gives out same amount of different color buttons to each group. Each child is then instructed to sort the buttons into the colors painted on the egg carton. Each child take turns to sort the buttons into the egg carton. -Buttons, egg carton. -The buttons distributed are the same colors painted on the egg carton. Step 4 (5 minutes) Sort and name it Teacher will asks the child to say the name the color of the buttons out loud as they sort it into the egg carton. Teacher will then pick one child from each group to come in front of the class and name the colors as they sort the buttons. -Buttons. Step 5 (5 minutes) Magic color box Children will be ask to sit into a big circle. Teacher will give the children a box. Inside the box is crayons of different colors. Children will sing the magic song, â€Å"Pass, pass, pass the color, This is the game we play! When the little song is through, The color name we’ll say.†The children will pass the box around singing the color song until the color stops. Once the song ends, the child that holds the box will put their hand into the box and take a crayon out. The child will tell the color of the crayon. Repeat the game until every child has at least play once. -Box filled with different colors of crayons. -Tune of song is of â€Å"Row, Row, Row Your Boat†Reflection: Children like the games and songs of the activity. Children paid attention to instructions. Children tend to throw buttons too hard in the egg carton or throw at their friends. In the future, use much bigger objects than buttons, such as sponges or straws. Chapter 2: Physical Milestone Chapter 3: Social/Emotional Milestone Chapter 4: Language Milestone Four year olds are now talking in simple sentences and there is so much going on inside their head that often it seems as though the words can’t come out fast enough to describe it all. They often stutter and stumble when trying to express themselves. It can be exhausting to listen and explain things to your child but exciting to be able to share in their rich imaginings. They love to be read to and may want the same book over and over again. Four year olds get across what they want to say in most situations. Some four year olds speak very clearly, while others still use some ‘baby talk’. Some may stumble over some words but this will probably clear up by itself within the year. The average four year old can understand 1000 or more words. Four year olds can usually understand ‘place’ words such as – under, on, beside, back, over. Four year olds ask questions beginning with ‘What’, ‘Who’, ‘Where’ and ‘Why’? They can talk about what happened yesterday and about tomorrow. You can build on what your four year old says to you. Don’t correct their unsuccessful efforts at words but respond positively with the correct word in your reply. Try to be patient. Ask them questions. Some children become such enthusiastic talkers that their constant ‘what’ can become irritating for parents. Most will respond to your request for you to have some quiet time from their questions – at least for a few minutes! Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake and Name Materials: Laminated plastic, 3 plastic bottles, clean water, edible food coloring, waterproof marker, colorful beads and buttons. Theme: Words Focus: (BI 3.0) Reading Skills (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik (BI 4.0) Writing Skills Standard Content: (BI 3.2) Read simple words with understanding. (BI 3.3) Read phrases with understanding. (ST 2.1) Membuat pemerhatian ke atas objek dan fenomena alam di persekitaran. (BI 4.1) Pre-writing skills. Standard Learning: ( BI 3.2.2) Read simple words. (ST 2.1.4) Memerhati dan bercerita secara verbal tentang pemerhatian yang telah dibuat. (BI 3.3.1) Read simple phrases with guidance (e.g. sit down, red ball). (BI 4.1.1) Engage in activities requiring eye-hand coordination. Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Chapter 5: Math and Science Milestone Four-year-olds have an increased capacity for learning math concepts. They use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems, and can effectively use language to compare and describe objects and shapes. They can count to ten, recognize written numerals 0 to 9, and add and subtract using numbers up to four. Four-year-olds know some variations of a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. They know days of the week, months, and the seasons, but still cannot tell time. Children are naturally curious about the world and want to find out as much as they can. They want to know what makes the wind blow, how trees grow, why fish have fins, and where turtles go in the winter. But they don’t want adults to give them the answers. They want to be the discoverers, the experimenters, and the theory builders. They don’t want science to be something that is imparted to them; they want it to be something that they do. They want to be scientists; not just consumers of science. They want to ask their own questions, collect their own data, and arrive at new and wonderful ideas. These â€Å"wants†should shape the foundation of an early childhood science curriculum. If you’ve ever dripped food coloring into oil before, you’ll remember the beautiful, jewel-like drops of color floating separate in the oil. This is because oil and water truly don’t mix. If you shake them up, they emulsify, but eventually separate back into oil and water. This activity is to teach children about science but at the same time involves math. The ingredients are using edible ingredients, this makes them a safe science activity for children to make on their own! Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake and Count Materials: Two plastic bottle, cooking oil, clean water, food coloring, oil-based coloring, a bamboo skewer, waterproof marker, Beads, Buttons, laminated plastic. Theme: Science and Math Focus: (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik (ST 7.0) Konsep Nombor (ST 4.0) Menyiasat Alam Bahan Standard Content: (ST 2.1) Membuat pemerhatian ke atas objek dan fenomena alam di persekitaran. (ST 7.1) Memahami nombor 1-10. (ST 4.1) Meneroka sifat umum bahan. Learning Standard: (ST 2.1.4) Memerhati dan bercerita secara verbal tentang pemerhatian yang telah dibuat. (ST 7.1.1) Menyebut nama nombor 1 hingga 10 (rote counting). (ST 7.1.2) Memadankan angka 1 hingga 10 dengan nama nombor secara lisan. (Contoh 2-dua) (ST 4.1.1) Memerhati dan mengumpulkan objek kepada yang tenggelam dan timbul. Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Counting beans Teacher divides children to three groups. Each group containing 5 children. Teacher takes out three bags filled with beans. The bags are then distributed to the children. In front of the classroom is a Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Chapter 6: Music Milestone Four-year-olds can identify changes in pitch, tempo, loudness and musical duration. They can sing songs of their own creation as well as memorized ones. Their art begins to be more realistic, and may incorporate letters. Four-year-olds love to dance, and are able to move rhythmically and smoothly. Their dramatic play is highly imaginative and now has the structure of specific scenarios, like going to the grocery store or rescuing a cat stuck in a tree. By now, 4 year olds can understand basic principles of tone, tempo, genre, pitch, etc. (e.g., can describe which songs are fast and slow or high and low). They can sing complex songs and play an instrument alone as well as with group (e.g., learns newly introduced songs by memory in a day or two). 4 year olds also can use music to reflect thoughts and feelings (e.g., starts buzzing like a bee while looking through a storybook on insects). If taught, children will regard music as a part of daily life (e.g., gets out mat for nap upon hearing soft music being played, puts away toys when clean-up song is sung). Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake it Materials: Three teaspoons uncooked rice, dried beans, two empty diet shake cans or soda cans, clear packing tap, pencil, scissors, markers or stickers. Theme: Focus: Content Standard: Standard Learning: Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Put the rice in an empty diet shake can (soda cans dont last as long, but they will work for this project.) Remove the tab and seal the opening with clear packing tape. If you like, make your own cool label for the can. To make the label, cut a piece of paper nine inches long and four and one-half inches wide. Decorate the label with markers or stickers. Tape one side of the label to the can. Then make small rolls of tape and stick them between the label and the can. Wrap the label around the can so that the loose end overlaps the taped end, and tape down the loose end. Put dried beans in the other can, and make a decorated label for that one, too. Try using the rice can for a lighter sound and the bean can for a louder sound. Start shaking! Kids can turn office supplies into sound machines with the activity on the next page. Chapter 7: Art and Creativity Milestone By age 4, many children are learning to better control their hand and wrist movements. They are making forms and objects that are almost, but not quite, recognizable to adults. Circles, lines and crosses are always popular forms. Some 4 year olds may begin naming their drawings. In the middle of drawing, a child may look and say something like, This is a truck, or, This is Mommy. Naming artwork is a big step that shows the child has begun to think in terms of mental pictures. It doesn’t matter that the drawing has little or no resemblance to Mommy. What matters is that the child has discovered that drawing is more than just something physically fun to do. Gradually, some of these forms have taken shape and adults can identify them as people, houses, cars or whatever the young artist intended to draw. Typical drawings at this age are pictures of people consisting of large heads that appear to have arms and legs growing out of them. There is usually little evidence of relative size in these drawings. Tiny legs sprout out of huge heads. A drawing of a butterfly may be twice as big as a dog. Whatever is most important to the child at the time gets the biggest play on the page; what is not important may simply be left out. That’s why children may leave out fingers, necks or other body parts. It’s not that children don’t notice that people have fingers; it’s just that fingers are not important to them at the time they are drawing. During this stage, children may find colors very exciting. Children are not concerned with realistic color representations. They just like to use color. One child may make everything on the page red. Another may use every color in the box on one drawing. Child care providers should not require children to use certain colors or try to read any deep psychological meanings into a child’s choice of colors. Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Hand Paint Materials: Colorful paint, clean cloth, clean water, newspaper, paint brush Theme: Art and Creativity Focus: (KTI 1.0) Seni Visual (PFK 1.0) Perkembangan Motor Halus Content Standard: (KT 1.1) Menggunakan pengetahuan tentang bahan dan teknik dalam menghasilkan karya seni. (KTI 1.2) Menzahirkan idea kreatif dalam penghasilan karya. (Ekspresi kreatif) (KTI 1.3) Menunjukkan apresiasi seni. (PFK 1.0) Melakukan kemahiran motor halus. Standard Learning: (KTI 1.1.1) Mengenal bahan yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu karya contohnya berus dengan bimbingan guru. (KTI 1.2.4) Membuat corak dan rekaan yang mudah melalui pelbagai aktiviti. (KTI 1.3.1) Menceritakan dan mempamerkan hasil kerja sendiri. (PFK 1.1.3) Menggunakan tangan untuk meramas (mix). Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection:
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