Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Helping Our Students Transition Successfully Coursework
Helping Our Students Transition Successfully - Coursework Example Student who used to plan their schedules so that they have afternoon classes or classes during particular days of the week, have hard time coping up with job environments that demand full time working for five days a week. One needs to wake up early and ensure that they arrive to work by 8 a.m. in college, there is a lot of free time and vocation time especially when students break for summer or winter. Some other colleges have mid-semester break. Unfortunately, this is not that case with work. One is only entitled for utmost two-weeks leave which mostly come once in a year (Gore, 4). Though one may find hard managing various discussion groups in college, it becomes harder when one is employed. Students are therefore requested to make use of their time in colleges so as to prepare them for their careers. College is a factory that transforms students into corporates. It is in college where one gets the opportunity to try different things and be somehow irresponsible. Acting unprofessionally while in college will only result to poor grades or a lecture from the administration. In working environment, people are required to maintain highest standards of professionalism. Any act of unprofessionalism lead to dismissal or stern warning from the management. In addition, while a student is in college, they may sweet talk their lectures if they fail to meet deadline to submit assignments, this is not the case while one is working. As a professional, one must meet deadlines set for them (Kuh, 12). Finally, in college, students are used to lectures giving then notes and assisting them solve complex assignment. At work, one is supposed to figure out solutions to complex situations as this is the only way one becomes distinguished. Students must therefore conduct themselves in the most professio nal manner that will reflect who they will be in their career. Many students
Monday, October 28, 2019
Herman Mudgett Essay Example for Free
Herman Mudgett Essay Problem Statement H. H. Holmes was dubbed the first male serial killer in the United States; however, his profile did not entirely fit the characteristics of a male serial killer. Should H. H. Holmes be considered a â€Å"Black Widow†? Purpose Imagine a killer who enjoyed torturing his victims with a variety of methods, but got paid for it. Meet Dr. H. H. Holmes or also known as â€Å"The Torture Doctor†. He was a serial killer who hit Chicago in the late nineteenth century. He killed with the intention of receiving money, mostly in the form of insurance claims. Criminologists have characterized this as a trait mostly belonging to female serial killers. It is â€Å"Black Widows†who kill relatives for the insurance money. Therefore Holmes should be classified as having similar characteristics to a â€Å"Black Widow†or that of a female serial killer. Findings Herman Webster Mudgett born May 16, 1861 to Levi and Theodate Mudgett in Gilmanton, New Hampshire had a privileged life. His family was wealthy and he was a bight child. (5) His household was run with a strict Methodist structure and his father was a violent alcoholic. He was bullied in school and in one instance forced to face a real skeleton which is believed to be the start of his fascination with corpses. (2) He became curious with Anatomy after that. Mudgett expressed a huge interest in medicine and was enrolled in the University of Michigan in 1882. He excelled in Chemistry and Anatomy and they seemed to be a natural talent for him. He was extremely eager to work on the cadavers. (2) He graduated in 1884. â€Å"This was a unique feature for a serial killer because most serial killers do not finish school.†(2) It is not because they are not intelligent enough; it is because they lack the motivation. This is where Mudgett was different; he had the persistence and motivati on to finish school. It was easier because it was something he did enjoy and it was a gateway for his early crimes. Mudgett would steal corpses from the medical school after making false insurance claims on a person, naming himself the beneficiary. He would distort the bodies making it look like an accident and then identify the body as the person he took the claim out on. (1) This is most likely the reason he stayed in school; he was making a profit. This is where he started using his alias Henry Howard Holmes or H. H. Holmes and Herman Mudgett would eventually cease to exist.(2) His crime spree and fascination with corpses would continue well after medical school. After a string of insurance fraud and traveling the country Holmes made it to Chicago. He began working at a drug store owned by an ill Dr. Holton in the neighborhood of Englewood. Holton died not long after and Holmes convinced Mrs. Holton to sign over the pharmacy to him and then she mysteriously disappeared. (5) While owning the drug store he continued to scam people sometimes selling false drugs and avoiding paying back his credit. (2) Holmes did enjoy making money and tricking people, but he wanted more. Holmes bought an estate on 63rd street and Wallace right across the street from the pharmacy that would later be called the â€Å"Murder Castle.†The construction of the building was very curious. Holmes was the architect and always kept a change of workers so he was the only one who ever knew the full structure of the building. (2) It was three stories with the ground floor belonging to commercial buildings including his relocated drug store. The top two were designated for his murderous fantasies. It had a labyrinth structure and consisted of false doors, windowless rooms, chutes, and trap doors. (5) The Castle â€Å"was equipped with secret passages, trapdoors, soundproof rooms, doors that could be locked from the outside, gas jets to asphyxiate victims, and a kiln to cremate the bodies.†(3) The basement is what held even worse horrors. There was a furnace big enough to hold a human body and huge acid baths. There were also tables where he could perform on the bodie s. (2) The Castle would open a door for Holmes to make even more money. Holmes was a man who would make money off of anything he could and his killings were no different. After he had tortured and killed he victims he would clean and mount their bones. In the basement â€Å"some were meticulously dissected, stripped of flesh, crafted into skeleton models†(5) He would then sell the skeletons to medical schools and doctor’s offices.(2) He had gained connections with these places, so no one questioned him. (5) He was living out his fantasies and making money off of it and now the perfect opportunity was about to come along. The 1893 World’s Columbian Exchange in Chicago would take place only a couple miles from Holmes’ home â€Å"The Castle.†The fair lasted from May to October. Holmes opened his building for the visitors and furnished and ran it like a hotel. â€Å"Unfortunately, some of his guests did not survive his hospitality.†(1) Just like most serial killers Holmes picked easy targets; tourists. Few people would know exactly where they were staying and it would be awhile before anyone reported them missing. However Holmes did differ from other male serial killers in that he did not stick to a type. Most of his victims did happen to be women, but he also killed children and men. Disappearances associated with the fair were linked to his castle (1) Outside of using his castle on unknowing tourists he was a seducer of women. Many of Holmes’ victims were women whom he had seduced and tricked into signing over their life savings. He usually employed females to work for him â€Å"many of whom were required as a condition of employment to take out life insurance policies for which Holmes would pay the premiums but also be the beneficiary†(5) and these women would later become his victims. Some of these women he killed where women who he had tricked in to giving him their property after they thought he was going to marry them. One example was Julia Conner and her daug hter Pearl. She was a mistress of Holmes and got pregnant. She demanded marriage and Holmes agreed if he could perform an abortion. Julia agreed, but mysteriously vanished along with her daughter. (2) He also promised Emiline Segrand marriage if she gave him her life savings. He sealed her in his vault where she suffocated to death. (2) He did have a marriage that actually went through, three in fact. He did have three marriages that all happened to coincide with each other. His first wife Clara Lovering was before he went to medical school. He filed for divorce at the time of his second wife, but it failed to go through. After he began using his alias H.H. Holmes he married Myrta Belknap in 1887. He lived with her and their daughter, Lucy, in Illinois for a while before he made it to Chicago. Holmes married is third wife, Georgiana Yoke, in 1894 after his killing spree in Chicago. Each one of these women never became one of Holmes’ victims and would live out their lives not knowing he was a serial killer till he was caught. (5) The only person who ever knew about what Holmes did was Benjamin Pitzel. Benja min Pitzel became associated with Holmes when Holmes was first constructing the Castle. Pitzel was a carpenter who was a drunkard that could never hold a job down. Holmes needed a right hand man who was tough and would do anything for money; Pitzel fit this description and had already committed petty crimes. (2) Pitzel was married with five children and needed to provide for his family, so he did what Holmes asked him to. Together Pitzel and Holmes committed lots of fraud and forgery. When Holmes was forced to leave Chicago because creditors were closing in Pitzel followed. They went cross country and continued to commit more fraud and other suspected killings under different aliases. (5) During one of these crimes Holmes was incarcerated for the first time in his life. Running low on money and needing to escape plan. Holmes and Pitzel concocted a plan where they would get Pitzel’s wife to take out an insurance claim on him and then they would fake Pitzel death. (5) Before they could get started on the scam Holmes was arrested for a different crime that landed hi m in a Texas jail. For some reason Holmes spilled his entire plan to his cellmate Marion Hedgepeth, a convicted train robber. Hedgepeth gave Holmes the name of a shady attorney in return for $500 of the money he got. (4) Holmes was shortly bailed out by his new wife Georgiana Yokes. (2) Holmes was now beginning to make mistakes and the law was going to catch up with him. Now Holmes could get on to finish the scam of faking Pitzel’s death, but Holmes did not fake it, he actually killed his longtime associate. This was most likely his plan all along; he wanted to get rid of loose ends. Holmes and his attorney, acquired from his former cell mate, identified the body. Mrs. Pitzel unknowing it to be her real husband split the money with the two men, but in the end Holmes ended up with most of her share. (2) Holmes was becoming paranoid and realizing that he was making mistakes. â€Å"Becoming concerned that the five Pitzel children might expose him, he went away with three of the children, eventually killing them.†(1) There was still one mistake out there that would lead to his demise. Almost two months after Pitzel’s body was found Hedgepeth, the former cellmate, sent information about the insurance fraud to police when he never received his compensation from Holmes. Police sent the Pinkertons, a private security guard and detective agency; on Holmes’ trail (5) What they discovered would be horrifying. Holmes was caught on November 17, 1894 in Boston. His only outstanding charge was on a horse theft and detectives needed more to hold him. It was only when his old custodian from the Castle informed the authorities that he was never allowed to clean the upper floors did they found out about his murders past by â€Å"uncovering Holmess efficient methods of committing murders and then disposing of the corpses.†(5) Along with Holmes’ vast array of obvious torture equipment, pieces of human bones were discovered. None of the murders were proven because of the lack of evidence except for four that of Benjamin Pitzel and his three children. Police tracked down the children’s bodies when chasing Holmes across the country. The two girls were found in Toronto and the boy in Indianapolis. (5) Holmes reign had come to an end. It was never discovered how many people H. H. Holmes had actually killed, but missing people and peculiar activity always seem to surround him not including the fact that he had a killing house. No one will ever be certain; the only person who may have known the true story was killed by Holmes. Also Holmes confessed his innocence until the day he was hung on May 7, 1896 at age 34. (2) Towards the end, however, he did come clean but his story always seemed to change. He did confess to 27 murders, but some researchers have suggested it exceeds 200. (3) The one confession he did seem to stick with was that he said he resembled the Devil. (2) Whatever the number Holmes was a serial killer who learned how to make a profit off of it. Conclusion Dr. H. H. Holmes’s characteristics did not fit that of a normal male serial killer. For starters he finished college unlike most of his predecessors. It might have been due to the fact that he had endless cadavers to work on or because he was planning his criminal career. Holmes also received monetary gain from most of his victims. He did enjoy seducing and killing victims, but his motives did involve receiving money. This is a trait often associated with female serial killers. Criminologists distinguish traits from male and female serial killers. One of the traits associated with females is that their motives usually involve monetary gain. The â€Å"Black Widow†is a female serial killer who kills her husband or other relatives to receive the insurance money. Holmes fits this description because most of his victims were women whom he had seduced and promised marriage or employees after receiving rights to their property. Holmes fits characteristics of both genders, but the profile of a Male Black Widow fits him more than anything. Recommendations Holmes should be classified as a â€Å"Black Widow†even though he is a male. It is true the biggest trait of a â€Å"Black Widow†is the female part, but gender should not be as important as motive. Gender unconsidered Holmes clearly fit the description. Therefore criminologist might reconsider classifying primarily on gender. Looking primarily at gender leaves gaps and flukes that do not seem to fit the â€Å"normal†stereotype in profiling and Holmes proves that. Holmes is a â€Å"Black Widow.†Bibliography (1) H.H. Holmes. 2012. 18 Apr 2012, 06:28 (2) H. H. Holmes Americas First Serial Killer. Dir. John Borowski. Waterfront Productions, 2004. Documentary. (3) John Philip, Jenkins. Mudgett, Herman Webster. Britannica Biographies (2011): 1. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2012 (4) Martin, John B. The Master of the Murder Castle: A Classic of Chicago Crime. Harpers Magazine. Harpers Magazine Foundation, Dec. 1943. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. (5) Wikipedia contributors. H. H. Holmes. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2012.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels :: Swift Gulliver Satire Essays
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift’s, Gulliver’s Travels satirically relates bodily functions and physical attributes to social issues during England’s powerful rule of Europe. Throughout the story we find many relations between bodily features and British and European society. Swift uses this tone of mockery to explain to his reader the importance of many different topics during this time of European rule. Swift feels that the body and their functions relate to political as well as the ration of a society. Swift’s fascination with the body comes from its unproblematic undertone which gives his audience recognizable parallelism to many issues such as political change and scientific innovation. Gulliver’s first adventure takes place in Lilliput. Gulliver swims to a foreign shore after his boat and rowboat capsize due to a fierce storm. Washed upon the shore, Gulliver finds himself tied to the grass surrounded by little bodied people called the Lilliputians. The Lilliputians stood no more than six inches high. During this time Swift recognized that England was also a kind of six inch being that had great influence in Europe. Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travel’s during a time when Europe was the worlds most dominant and influential force. England, despite its small size, had the potential to defeat any nation that might try to conquer them. Swift relates this phenomenon to the small stature of the Lilliputians. They stood a mere six inches high but had the power to siege the mammoth Gulliver. The capability of a nation consisting of miniature people, who are able to capture someone ten-times their size can be seen as reinforcing the capability of a small natio n, such as England, becoming and remaining a great power. Even though this is true, Swift entices a condescending tone to Gulliver’s portrayal of the small Lilliputians, who easily fit into the hands of Gulliver, yet still manage to threaten his life. Even though the Lilliputians are piteously small in Gulliver’s eyes, they do not see themselves the same way. To themselves, the Lilliputians feel they are normal and Gulliver remains the outlandish giant. The unexpected infringement of giant Gulliver into the Lilliputians well-developed society reminds the European society, that size and strength are always relative, and there is no way for Europe to be certain that a Gulliver-like giant, might not arrive and conquer them at any moment. This encounter, between Gulliver and the Lilliputians would put Europe’s confidence in its power in jeopardy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Muslim People Post 9/11
Muslim people in American post 9/11 Since the 9/11 attacks, many Americans have labeled Muslims in the United States as a threat to our country due to the fact that they share their religion with the extremists responsible for worldwide terrorism. Due to the recent conflicts between the US and Muslim, the Muslims that live in America continue to face isolation and danger because of their faith. Muslim people have gotten worse treatment after 9/11 in the United States in several places which are schools, work places and communities.First; The Muslim students had gotten a worse treatment in schools from the American student and teachers. The Muslim students got lot of hate threats from students in class. Like One the American student was making fun young lady who was wearing hijab. And the teachers can give the Muslim students a low grade for no reason because they are a Muslims. Teachers meant to talk about 9/11 to let the Muslims student felt uncomfortable in the class. In the school hallway American student beat and give them a dirty looks the Muslims student.And how they keep told them that they are a terrorist. Second; at a time of growing tensions involving Muslims in the United States, a record number of Muslim workers are complaining of employment differentiation, from coworkers calling them â€Å"terrorist†to employers barring them from wearing head scarves (Hijab) or taking prayer breaks. And some of the Muslims people don’t get a job because they think that they will do something danger in the work place.And the Muslims worker got in lots of problems from other employees so they can got fired. Third; Muslims people got a worse treatment after 9/11 in the communities. Especially hijabe women are who wear scarf on their heads they have to force a lot of hate and bad treatments like they pulled their head scarf. And the Muslims people got afraid to go out the house so they don’t get worse treatment and get beat from the Americans peo ple. I conclude that the Muslims people have gotten worse treatment right after post 9/11 in the United States.In several places which are the schools from the student and the teachers which that make the Muslim student unconvertible in the schools, work places, and Muslims people got the worse treatment from the other employees and the mangers, And the communities. If one Muslim person did something wrong and destroyed the name of Islam. That’s doesn’t mean all the Muslims people are the same. And they thought that Muslims people are Terrorist. But you can’t judge the people from their religion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
To attain such goal
utliers, values that significantly differ among others in the set of data [2]. Before doing the statistical calculations, suspect values, which are the lowest and highest data obtained are evaluated in terms of its acceptability through the Q-test.It makes use of the tabulated critical values for different confidence levels in which the resultant value for the said test hould not exceed, otherwise the datum is considered invalid and cannot be included in the course of the following calculations. Where Xq is the highest or the lowest datum, Xn is the closest numerical value to the suspect values and R is the range of the data set. The sample mean is considered as the most valid estimate of the true value that is considered in the course of the experiment.It is considered as the norm in finding the probable location of the center of the data set since it is the value in between the extremes of the data. This is acquired by dividing the summation of the data within he set by the number of data added altogether [3]. Where is the mean value and represents the individual datum in the data set of replicate measurements. Standard deviation, in the other hand, is the measure of variation or the degree of the gathered measurements which implies that the measurements are less precise when a greater value is obtained. Otherwise, a lesser value should be calculated [3].However, standard deviation is usually expressed in parts per thousand. That is, Standard deviation may only measure the variability of the true value. However, to dentify the end values of a specific confidence interval, the confidence limit is calculated. It is the range where the true value lies at a certain level of probability. It may also measure the precision of the gathered data. The narrower is the range, the more precise are the acquired data. To calculate the confidence limit, Where t is the tabulated value for the corresponding levels of probability, n-l .In this experiment, it is crucial to be ab le to use the analytical balance properly and through gained knowledge on some concepts of statistical analysis, statistical concepts may hen be applied throughout the course of analytical chemistry. METHODOLOGY Figure 1 . Flowchart of the general procedures of the experiment. Ten (10) samples of 25-centavo coins were collected, washed thoroughly and dried to be used as samples for the experiment. With the use of forceps, these samples were transferred to a small beaker. The use of forceps was to ensure that no additional moisture will be retained on the surface of the samples.The weighing by difference technique was used in acquiring the mass of each sample. Before using the analytical balance, the on/tare button was pressed to calibrate the instrument. The beaker-sample system was then placed on top of the analytical balance. After the sides was properly closed, the reading was then recorded. After each reading, one 25-centavo coin is removed and a new reading was then obtain. Thi s was repeated until there was no sample left in the beaker and so the last acquired reading was the mass of the beaker.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Did deregulation cause the financial crisis essay
Did deregulation cause the financial crisis essay Did deregulation cause the financial crisis? essay Did deregulation cause the financial crisis? essayDo you think that the world is headed towards a cashless society within the next fifty years? Why or why not?In my opinion, the world will become a 99% cashless society within the next 50 years. In other words, cash will be replaced by more liquid, convenient and secure forms of payment. The recent trends towards a cashless economy already illustrate this situation. Many purchases are done using credit or debit cards; there also exist electronic checks, smart cards, electronic payment systems, digital currencies such as Bitcoin, etc. (OConnor Faile, 2010). There are instant payment systems such as PayPal allowing customers to make online purchases in a more secure and convenient way. The popularity of technology and smartphones open ways for NFC payments and other mobile payments. In this diversity of payment forms, cash might be the most inconvenient form it is insecure to keep large sums of cash, the banknotes might become shabby and lose their quality over time, etc. Therefore, more convenient and secure payment forms will eventually replace cash in the future.ReferencesOConnor, D.E. Faile, C.C. (2010). Basic Economic Principles: A Guide for Students. Greenwood Publishing Group.Discussion 2. Describe and critique the Fed’s use of quantitative easing.Quantitative easing is the policy of the Fed which is based on purchasing market securities and therefore decreasing interest rates. Due to the large inflow of capital provided by the Fed, the supply of money increases and therefore liquidity and lending are stimulated. This strategy is used when the economy is in a recession; quantitative easing stimulates lending, investment and spending because it becomes more beneficial to spend or to invest then to save. However, quantitative easing might become inefficient when interest rates are already low (like it is currently in the U.S. economy). Furthermore, quantitative easing might lead to the increase of i nflation if the speed of money supply increase is too quick. In addition, quantitative easing decreases the value of the dollar and makes the currency weaker.ReferencesMacroeconomic Analysis. (2013). Criticism of quantitative easing. Macroeconomic Analysis. Retrieved from 3. Deposit insurance can cause a moral hazard problem. Can deposit insurance also cause an adverse selection problem? Please explain.Yes, deposit insurance can cause an adverse selection problem in the banking industry. The problem is that deposit insurance might encourage risk-prone and careless people to enter the banking industry hoping that this insurance would cover the risks. In other words, those who would want the highest risks and would like to gamble with the money of depositors will be more likely to deal with deposit insurance. As a result, the banks present in the deposit insurance system will be more lik ely to have a negative net worth than other banks, which represents the results of adverse selection (Montiel, 2011).ReferencesMontiel, P. (2011). Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press.Discussion 4. Is there a relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate? Please explain.In the short-term, there is an inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. Indeed, when unemployment decreases, more people have jobs, and therefore more people can afford buying various goods and services. The growth of demand in the short-term leads to the increase of prices, and therefore the growth of inflation is witnessed. If unemployment increases, the processes are reverse and the prices eventually tend to decline, causing deflation. The Phillips curve, which is an L-shaped curve, describes this relationship. However, in the long-term period the relationship does not hold as unemployment tends to reach the natural level, while inflat ion tends to the expected inflation level (Boundless, 2014).ReferencesBoundless. (2014). The Phillips curve. Boundless. Retrieved from 5. Was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act one of the causes of the Great Recession? Please explain.No, the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was not one of the causes of the Great Recession (2007-2009). The crisis emerged largely due to risky operations with securities that were not covered by the Glass-Steagall Act. Banking companies engaged in risky practices selling derivatives and using risky lending practices which the Glass-Steagall Act did not regulate. In addition, a very limited number of companies used the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and combined investment with commercial banking (Calabria, 2009). In addition, the companies which were i n the center of the crisis were not the subjects of the Glass-Steagall Act, and therefore the repeal of this Act could not have affected their activity. Hence, the Glass-Steagall Act was not one of the causes of the Great Recession.
Monday, October 21, 2019
8 Common Spelling Errors to Check For!
8 Common Spelling Errors to Check For! 8 Common Spelling Errors to Check For! Spelling in English can be tricky. There are tons of words that arent pronounced the way they are written, as well as pairs of words that sound the same but mean different things! Here are seven common spelling mistakes, along with rules to help you remember them. 1. I Before E Except After C In words like sieve and believe, the i comes before the e. However, in words like receive and ceiling, the e goes first since it comes directly after a c. Watch out, though! There are exceptions to this rule, such as seize, weird and caffeine. 2. Necessary Necessary has one c and a double s. You can use this mnemonic to remember how to spell this one: On a shirt, it is necessary to have one collar and two sleeves! 3. Alot This is not a word! It should always be a lot (with a space between the two words). 4. Separate Many people spell this seperate, so just remember: Theres a rat in separate! 5. Familiar Some people spell this one familier, so keep the following in mind: That liar looks familiar! 6. Exaggerate Its easy to get confused about whether there should be one g or two in exaggerate. Try using the following as a reminder: George and Graham always exaggerate! 7. Rhythm Rhythm is a tricky word because it doesnt have any vowels. Luckily, theres an acronym that helps (where the first letter of each word spells out the word we need to remember): Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move. 8. Affect and Effect Try to remember that affect describes the action and is a verb, whereas effect describes the result and is a noun: My early experiences affected my later choices in life. The fire had a devastating effect on London. Making up little memory aids like these can really help your spelling, especially if you always get some words wrong. However, if you want to make sure that your work is completely perfect, why not send it to the experts for checking? Well even proofread a 500-word sample for free to make sure that you are pleased with our standards of work.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tips for Scanning Restoring Digital Photos
Tips for Scanning Restoring Digital Photos Do you have old faded or torn photos that youd like to give a facelift? Have you been meaning to take that box of old photos from Grandma and scan them? Learning to create and edit digital photos is fairly easy and very worthwhile. Digitally restored photos can be used to create digital scrapbooks, post to websites, share through email, and print for gift-giving or display. You dont have to be a technology whiz or a graphic designer to become proficient at photo restoration, but you will need a computer, a scanner, and a good (not necessarily expensive) graphics program. Scanning Tips for Digital Photos Check your photos for dirt, lint, or smudges. Gently remove surface dust and dirt with a soft brush or lint-free photo wipe. Canned air, available at most office supply stores, helps to blast away dust and lint from photographic slides but is not recommended for heirloom print photos.Check the scanner glass for lint, hair, fingerprints, or smudges. Use a lint-free pad or wipe to thoroughly clean the glass (basically anything that is sold as safe for cleaning camera lenses will also work for your scanner). Household glass cleaner can be used to clean your scanner glass, as long as youre careful to spray it directly on the cloth before wiping, not directly on the glass surface. When using your scanner or handling photographs, it is best to wear clean white cotton gloves (available from photo stores and hardware stores) to avoid leaving fingerprints on your scanner or photos.Specify the type of scan. If youre scanning photos, you have a basic choice of color photo vs. black and white . When scanning family photos, it is usually best to scan in color, even if the source photo is black and white. Youll have more manipulation options, and you can change a color photo to black and white (grayscale), but not the other way around. Determine the best scan resolution to assure the quality of your digital photos. The optimal resolution depends on how the image will be printed, saved, or displayed. A good rule of thumb is to scan your photos at a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch) to assure decent quality for enhancement and restoration techniques. Its even better to do 600 dpi or greater if you plan to eventually store these photos on CD or DVD, and have space on your computer hard drive to handle such large images.Carefully position your photo on the scanner face down on the glass, just like on a photocopy machine. Then hit prescan or preview. The scanner will take a quick pass of the image and display a rough version on your screen. Check to see that its straight, that no part of the photo has been cut off, and that the photo appears free of dust and lint.Crop the previewed image to include only the original photo. For archival purposes, do not crop only a portion of the photo at this point (you can do that lat er if you want a cropped photo for a specific purpose). However, you should make sure that all you are scanning is the actual photograph. (Some scanners and software will do this step for you automatically.) Avoid corrections while scanning. After scanning, youll be able to edit the image in a graphics software program which offers much more control. The order of steps should be: scan a basic image, save it, play with it.Check your file size before scanning. Youll want to make sure the chosen resolution you wont create a photo that is so large it will crash your computer. Some computers have enough free memory to handle 34MB photo files, and some dont. If the file size is going to be larger than you thought, then adjust the scan resolution accordingly before making the file scan.Scan the original image. This shouldnt take too long, but it could take a few minutes if youre scanning at a very high resolution. Take a quick bathroom break, or get your next photo ready for scanning. Saving Editing Your Digital Photos Now that youve got your photo scanned in, its time to save it to your hard drive. Be sure to choose an archival method and select a good photo-editing program. Storage Tips for Digital Photos Choose your file type. The best file type for scanning and saving archival photos is TIF (Tagged Image Format), the undisputed leader when the best quality is required. The popular JPG (JPEG) file format is nice because its compression algorithm creates smaller file sizes, making it the most popular photo format for web pages and file sharing. However, the compression that creates the small files also causes some quality loss. This loss of image quality is small, but becomes important when dealing with digital images that you plan to modify and re-save (something that you are likely to do when restoring damaged or faded photographs) because the loss of image quality compounds itself at each saving of the file. Bottom line- unless space on your computers hard drive is at a real premium, stick with TIF when scanning and saving digital photos.Save an archive copy of the original photo in TIF format. You can then place it in a special folder on your hard drive or copy to CD or DVD. Resist the urge to edit this original photo, no matter how bad it looks. The purpose of this copy is to preserve, as closely as possible, the original photograph in a digital format- a format that, hopefully, will outlast the original print photo. Make a copy of your scanned photo to work on. Use the copy instead of manipulating your original scan. Save it with a different filename (i.e., you can use the original file name with -edited on the end) to help prevent accidentally overwriting the original as you work on editing the photo. Choosing a Graphics Software Program The key to good digital photos is selecting a good graphics software program. If you dont have photo editing software yet, there are a lot of good options available- ranging from free photo editors to beginner photo editors, to advanced photo editing software. For photo restoration, a mid-range graphics software program offers the best balance of function and price. Step-by-Step Photo Repair and Restoration Now that youve done all the tedious work of scanning and saving your photos as digital images, its time to get started with the fun part- photo retouching! Pictures with stains, creases, and tears may have character, but they arent as pretty for framing or photo projects. These photo editing tips will help make your old pictures album-ready. Editing Tips for Digital Photos Open your photo editing software and select the photo. Be sure that it is a copy and not your original digital image. (This way you can always start over if you make a mistake.)Crop your photo using the crop tool. This is good to do in cases where there is a mat or extra wasted space in the photo. Depending upon your purpose, you may also wish to use the crop tool to cut out the background or focus in on a particular person. Since you have saved a copy of the original photo, you dont have to worry about losing important historical details by getting a bit creative with cropping.Fix photo flaws including rips, tears, creases, spots, and smudges, with a variety of handy fix-it tools.Creases, Tears, Spots, Smudges: Most image-editing programs have a cloning or copying tool to help fix photo flaws by filling them in with patches from similar areas in the picture. If the area is large, you may wish to zoom in on the area a bit before applying the cloning tool. The best alternative in low -budget photo editing software is usually the smudge tool.Dust, Speckles, Scratches: Set Radius and Threshold settings at their lowest settings and then slowly increase the Radius until you find the lowest setting that will rid your image of the dust or scratches. However, since that makes your whole image look blurry, you should then bring the Threshold setting way up and then slowly lower it until you find the highest setting that still removes dust and scratches from your photo. Check the results carefully- sometimes this process ends up removing eyelashes and other important content that mimic scratches. Many graphics programs also have a global dust/speckles filter, which looks for spots that differ from their neighboring pixels in color or brightness. It then blurs the surrounding pixels to cover the offending ones. If you only have a few large specks, then zoom in on them and edit the offending pixels by hand with a paint, smudge, or cloning tool.Bye, Bye Red Eye: You can re move that annoying effect in your photos with automatic red-eye removal, or with the pencil and paintbrush found in most photo-editing software. Sometimes an automatic Red-eye Removal tool will change the original eye color. If in doubt, check with someone who has knowledge of the persons eye color. Correct the color and contrast. You may find that many of your old photos have faded, darkened, or become discolored with age. With the help of your digital photo-editing software, you can easily repair and restore these photographs to their former glory.Brightness: Lighten up a dark photo with the brightness adjustment. If its too light, you can darken it a bit.Contrast: Best used in conjunction with Brightness, this feature adjusts the overall contrast- bringing out features in pictures that are mostly middle tones (grays with no true blacks and whites).Saturation: Use the Saturation tool to help turn back the clock on faded photos- giving photos more richness and depth.Sepia-tones: If you want to give your color or black-and-white photo an antique look, then use your photo-editing software to create a duotone (two-color picture). If your original photo is color, youll first have to convert it to greyscale. Then select duotone and choose your two colors (brown shades are the most c ommon for this effect). Sharpen: Use this to add focus to a blurry photo as the final step before saving. Enhancing Your Digital Photos If you have plans to use your newly-edited digital photos in a scrapbook, slideshow, or another digital project, then you may wish to jazz them up with colorization, captions, airbrushing, or vignettes. Enhancement Tips for Digital Photos ColorizationHave you ever wondered how your 19th-century great, great-grandfather may have looked in color? Or perhaps you want to see how that old black-and-white photo would look with a few touches of color- a pink bow here and a blue dress there. If your photo-editor is fairly full-featured, its easy to find out! Begin with a black-and-white photo.Using a Selection tool Lasso), select an area of the image that you wish to add color to. The Magic Wand can also be used for this step, but it requires a bit of technical knowledge and practice to use with black-and-white photos.Once the area is selected, go to the tint or color-balance controls and alter the color level values.Experiment until you get the desired effect.Repeat these steps for each area of the picture you wish to colorize.Colorizing photos can get a lot fancier than what weve detailed above, with techniques such as channel-splitting and transparent layers, plus tips for using the Magic Wand for selecting photo areas. Adding Captions If youve spent any time going through an ancestors collection of largely unlabeled photos, youll understand why we say that you owe it to your descendants (and other relatives) to properly label all of your digital photos. Many photo-editors offer a caption option which allows you to actually embed a caption within the header of JPEG or TIFF format files (known as the ITPC standard), allowing it to be transferred directly with the picture, and be read by the majority of graphics software programs. Other photo information that can be embedded with this method includes keywords, copyright info, and URL data. Most of this info, with the exception of the caption in some photo software, is not displayed with the photo but is stored with it and can be accessed under the photos properties by almost any user. If your photo editing software supports this feature, it can usually be found under Add Caption or File - Info. Check your help file for details. Creating Vignettes Many old photos have soft-edged borders, called vignettes. If your photos dont, its an easy effect to add. The classic vignette shape is an oval, but you can get creative and use other shapes such as rectangles, hearts, and stars. Or you can create a free-hand vignette, following the irregular outline of the subject- as in a portrait.Select an image with plenty of background around the subject. You need this to allow room for effective fading. Use the Selection tool in the shape of your choice (rectangular, oval, etc.), adding the feather option to feather the edges of your selection by 20 to 40 pixels (experiment to find the amount of fading which looks best for your photo). Then drag out the selection until you encompass the area you want to start the blend. The line at the edge of your selection will eventually be at the midway point of your faded edges (in other words, pixels on both sides of the line youve created will be feathered). Use can also use the Lasso selection tool if you wish to create an irregular border. Under the Selection menu choose Invert. This will move the selected area to the background (the part you wish to remove). Then select delete to cut this remaining background from the picture. Some photo-editing programs offer an easy one-click option for adding vignette borders, as well as other fancy frames and borders. Using these strategies, you can save family photographic heirlooms and create a historical record that can be shared digitally and in print.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example This implies that regardless of whether or not the theory of anthropogenic global warming eventually finds a firm and strong support in the peered-reviewed journal, it cannot be denied that there is a consensus in a world scientific body on the anthropogenic root of global warming and its association with fossil fuels. The United Nations-created IPCC â€Å"states unequivocally that the consensus of scientific opinion is that the earth’s climate is being affected by human activities†and that â€Å"the observed global warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations†(Oreskes, 2004, p. 1686, citing an IPCC document). Further, according to Oreskes (2004), â€Å"the IPCC is not alone in its conclusions†because â€Å"all major scientific bodies in the United States whose expertise bears directly on the matter have issued similar statements†(Oreskes, 2004, p. 1686). For example, Oreskes (2004, p . ... hropogenic and greenhouse gas-associated climate change to be an accurate reflection of the current thinking of the scientific community on the issue (Oreskes, 2005, p. 1686). According to Oreskes (2004, p. 1686), the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) have issued statements with a conclusion that â€Å"evidence for human modification of the climate is compelling.†Second, environmental activism is good because it is through environmental activism that we can adopt policies that promote good health and a better quality of life associated with clean air, clean seas and oceans, clean rivers, and clean terrestrials. For instance, Wong et al. (2004) examined the health benefits of reducing air pollution under the United States Clean Air Act and estimated that the decrease in morbidity and mortality among children would add at least US$600 billion to the $100 billion benefits through the reduced morbidity and mortality of adults. Third, environmental activism because it promotes intergenerational equity: development must not be at the expense of the future generations, we must meet the needs of our generation but not to disadvantage of future generations. For instance, Weiss (2008, pp. 615-616) noting that â€Å"the impacts from warming are predicted to be long-term, widespread and severe†has affirmed that â€Å"climate change is an inherently international problem with extremely serious implications for equity between ourselves and future generations and among communities in the present and future.†Thus, in summary environmental activism promotes humanity’s survival or comfort, good health and quality of life, and intergenerational equity. Position 2: Negative Response We can also cite three key
Friday, October 18, 2019
Media Impact on People's Thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Media Impact on People's Thoughts - Essay Example This was due to the largely favorable presentation of the war in the media, such as the images of Saddam’s statue being pulled down, and President Bush stepping off a plane to a banner proclaiming victory in Iraq. Selective reporting, biased reporting, or the manner in which certain issues are highlighted while others are glossed over can elevate or diminish the significance of an issue in the mind of the public. During the initial weeks of the war, there was widespread media coverage of President Bush giving pep talks at military locations and negative reaction to the war was sparingly reported. The opposition of France and other European countries to Iraq was sparingly reported while those in the Senate who opposed the war received no media coverage. The public also had the image of the prior Iraq war in mind, which was concluded quickly and painlessly and expected the second war to follow the same path. However, media images in America began to change as the war continued. For example, one local television news program aired a fifteen-minute segment each evening when it focused on the body of one dead soldier in a brief eulogy. The persistent images of dead American soldiers presented every night have subtly influenced public opinion so that the once favorable opinion of the public has been altered. By the end of 2003, polls were showing public support down to 50% from 70%. The impact of the images of the dead is evident from the words of former tanker Ed Collins, now 82, who says, â€Å"When is it going to stop? We’re losing a lot of youngsters.†The perception that lives are being lost is brought forcefully into the public consciousness through the personalized eulogy for each soldier presented in TV programs such as those mentioned above. According to polling experts, Americans are more sensitive to casualties in this Iraq war because they see no vital interests at stake to justify the deaths which are taking place.Â
Chemical KInetics Chemistry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Chemical KInetics Chemistry - Assignment Example The theory states that when appropriate molecules of a reactant collide against each other, it is only a definite proportion of the collisions that result in a perceptible chemical change (Goldberger and Watson, 2004). These collisions are termed successful collisions, and possess activation energy. The idea of activation energy was introduced by Svante Arrhenius in 1889, and is the amount of energy needed to be gained by the reactant molecules to form the product. During the exact instant of collision, the pre-existing bonds are broken and new bonds formed. This results in the formation of the products of the reaction. The higher the temperature the higher the rate at which its constituent particles move. This increased particular motion increases the chances of the particles colliding, resulting in more successful collisions that lead to bonds being broken and new ones forming, resulting in the formation of new products, and thereby increasing the reaction rate. This is proven in the graph above, which shows that the molecules that have higher kinetic energies resulting from high temperatures have higher reaction rates, since the increased motion between the molecules results in increased molecular collisions that raises the reaction rates. Pressure has an effect on the rate of various chemical reactions, only involving gases. Raising it leads to a corresponding increase in the rate of the reaction. Raising or lowering the pressure of a reaction system involving liquids or solids leads to no change in the rate of the reaction. For a specific amount of gas, to raise the pressure of the gas one would have to compress the gas so that it would be contained in a lesser volume. Doing so would mean the same amount of gas is found in a much smaller volume, resulting in a higher concentration. Since the gas particles are closer to each other, their random motions result in more frequent collisions. These
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The State and the Individual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The State and the Individual - Essay Example The recent passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created legal issues about whether the Federal government has the power to make it mandatory for individuals to buy healthcare insurance and whether states can opt out or nullify such provisions. The Constitution of the USA does not provide citizens with an explicit right to healthcare. The Supreme Court has held that as per the Constitution, individuals can seek healthcare services at their own cost from the available service providers. (Swendiman, 2010, p.2). It has also held that there is no provision that guarantees government health care for those that cannot afford it. At the same time, many states in the US have constitutional state provisions relative to providing healthcare services to citizens. As compared to the Federal government, the constitutions of states have more expansive provisions relative to health care because federal rights require states to comply with minimum standards (Bayer, 2007, p.1). Th e issue that arises in this regard is the extent to which states can legally restrain the freedom of individuals in serving the common good of the entire population. In addition, the question arises about the extent to which public welfare can be protected in justifying government actions relative to curtailing or eroding fundamental rights. Such issues form the basis of controversy and long drawn debates relative to public health in the US. The Supreme Court has described inter-state commerce as being amongst economic activities that impact the country’s economy. Given that the health care sector impacts the country’s economy, it becomes implied from this argument that the federal government has the right to control health care through legislation. Although the US Supreme Court and Constitution do not acknowledge the constitutional right to healthcare for people unable to afford it, a number of statutes have been enacted by the Federal government, such as the Children ’s Health Program, Medicaid and Medicare, which describe and establish the precise rights of individuals relative to receiving healthcare services from the state. A major element of several healthcare entitlements from the government is the funding for healthcare facilities that are provided under the law. Majority of these provisions were enacted following recognition of the Federal government’s authority to enact laws that are necessary for carrying out its authorization for providing towards the general welfare of individuals. This authority to spend on healthcare is considered to be a broad grant of authority vested to the Federal government by the country’s Constitution. The Supreme Court gives significant regard to the legislative decisions taken by the Congress for making provisions for healthcare budgets in keeping with the objectives of public welfare (Garrett, 2000, p.216). However, there are a number of tensions about the scope of public health and th e extent to which it can be accepted, especially in terms of the original issues relative to fighting infectious diseases during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The issue attained more significance at the end of the 20th century because of efforts to resolve the chronic patterns that
The Optimum Cultivation and Establishment Methods for Growing Oilseed Literature review
The Optimum Cultivation and Establishment Methods for Growing Oilseed Rape In a Various Soil Conditions within the UK - Literature review Example This research will begin with the statement that as sustainability and the greening of the ecosystem become very important to global agencies and nations, the focus of most countries have turned to the role that plants can plan in achieving this goal. But as important as plants help in the greening of the solar system, they have also become very important sources of food for both plants and animals, including humankind. Plants have actually accounted for major parts of the export made by most countries in the form of raw edible food, processed wood, refined products, and drugs. In the United Kingdom (UK), the role that various plants play in the socio-economic wellbeing of the country cannot be underestimated. It is not surprising that studies have continued to go on about the best ways by which various plants and crops can be well researched into to find the best practices, conditions, and establishments under which they are best cultivated for optimum output. As part of secondary d ata collection for the research work, the review of related literature is taken seriously to know what has already been done in this field and the gaps that exist in the literature. This way, the best ways by which this research can fill the gaps can be rightly identified. The review will, therefore, focus on the background of the crop, the relevance of it to the UK and the best practices in its cultivation. The oilseed rape crop is known by many names including rape, Brassica napus, and sometimes just called rape. The origin of the seed in the UK is raced to the 14th century when the bright yellow flowering was first brought to the European region. The oilseed rape crop belongs to the family Brassicaceae, commonly known as the mustard or cabbage family. The crop belongs to the order Brassicales and genus Brassica. Since arriving in the U.K., the plant has been known as a very important crop, which has been cultivated over the years since the 14th century. In one study, FAOSTAT argu ed that the oilseed rape is one of the longest most adored plants to have been cultivated in the U.K. This emphasis is given to the plant because of the continuous attention it has received over the years for the need to maximize the production of the crop.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The State and the Individual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The State and the Individual - Essay Example The recent passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created legal issues about whether the Federal government has the power to make it mandatory for individuals to buy healthcare insurance and whether states can opt out or nullify such provisions. The Constitution of the USA does not provide citizens with an explicit right to healthcare. The Supreme Court has held that as per the Constitution, individuals can seek healthcare services at their own cost from the available service providers. (Swendiman, 2010, p.2). It has also held that there is no provision that guarantees government health care for those that cannot afford it. At the same time, many states in the US have constitutional state provisions relative to providing healthcare services to citizens. As compared to the Federal government, the constitutions of states have more expansive provisions relative to health care because federal rights require states to comply with minimum standards (Bayer, 2007, p.1). Th e issue that arises in this regard is the extent to which states can legally restrain the freedom of individuals in serving the common good of the entire population. In addition, the question arises about the extent to which public welfare can be protected in justifying government actions relative to curtailing or eroding fundamental rights. Such issues form the basis of controversy and long drawn debates relative to public health in the US. The Supreme Court has described inter-state commerce as being amongst economic activities that impact the country’s economy. Given that the health care sector impacts the country’s economy, it becomes implied from this argument that the federal government has the right to control health care through legislation. Although the US Supreme Court and Constitution do not acknowledge the constitutional right to healthcare for people unable to afford it, a number of statutes have been enacted by the Federal government, such as the Children ’s Health Program, Medicaid and Medicare, which describe and establish the precise rights of individuals relative to receiving healthcare services from the state. A major element of several healthcare entitlements from the government is the funding for healthcare facilities that are provided under the law. Majority of these provisions were enacted following recognition of the Federal government’s authority to enact laws that are necessary for carrying out its authorization for providing towards the general welfare of individuals. This authority to spend on healthcare is considered to be a broad grant of authority vested to the Federal government by the country’s Constitution. The Supreme Court gives significant regard to the legislative decisions taken by the Congress for making provisions for healthcare budgets in keeping with the objectives of public welfare (Garrett, 2000, p.216). However, there are a number of tensions about the scope of public health and th e extent to which it can be accepted, especially in terms of the original issues relative to fighting infectious diseases during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The issue attained more significance at the end of the 20th century because of efforts to resolve the chronic patterns that
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
South Africa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
South Africa - Assignment Example In the marketing strategy, there should be the classification of the various groups who are separated by certain noticeable aspect that are peculiarly looked into for one to cut a niche in meeting every requirement of the targeted group. In doing marketing for their products then, the organization in South Africa has to consider several aspects that create distinction in the targeted groups. Amongst the main aspect that bring about difference in taste and preference that should be paid attention to includes geographic factors, demographic or the socioeconomic factors that considers occupation, age, gender, income, house hold size, and education. There are also the psychographic issues that looked into values, lifestyles, and attitudes. Behavioral segmentation also deals with such issues like degree of loyalty and occasion. One needs to understand South Africa in the context explained above in order to make reasonable influence in the marketing of a product; otherwise, the strategy wi ll not be productive ultimately. Competition In business, competition is obvious and it takes different perspectives, which include pricing strategy, packaging, and availability to the customers. In addition, other initiatives can be taken by the different manufactures that would put them ahead of the pack in galvanizing the available market for the supplementary products. To achieve this, organization needs to put extra efforts in making their products stands out in all aspects that may influence customers to opt for their products. A simple business strategy can be a competitive advantage of one company over the rest and it might make it thrive in a fiercely competitive landscape (Hawkins et al 77). In order for a business to thrive in such business environment, they have to understand the market dynamics the SWOT their main competitors so that a more conclusive approach can be taken in curving the market loyalty. If a business cannot keep with the competitors new approaches, it m ay be at risk of collapsing, the essence of business is to ensure that you cut yourself a niche in the thick of competition through the strategies following research about the market trend and progress. A business has to ensure that they understand what the customers want and that they can produce them and possible dictate what they should have. For a business to remain vibrant, it has to be full of a team that analyzes the needs of the customers and the development of the competitors so the at all the time, they can keep their competitors under checks. Distribution of Product Once the manufacturer produces the goods, they are destined to be conveyed to the final consumers through varieties of means. The choice of the distribution model is one of the most important decisions that a manufacturer should opt for in order for the realization of the expected sales. A legion of factors informs the choice of distribution mode in order to ensure maximum populations are aware of the existenc e of the product. For instance, distribution of a new product in the market may not take the normal channel that are taken by the established products that in most cases assume the conventional chain of good moving down through the whole seller to the retailer and finally to the consumer. Contrary to this, a new product always needs agent that would be paid on the commission, this is because the products needs to e demonstrated and advertised to the customers before
Monday, October 14, 2019
History of the Beer Growler Essay Example for Free
History of the Beer Growler Essay Introduction I. Attention-getter: Does anyone know what the term Growler means and how it relates to beer? (merriam-webster. com) A container for beer bought by the measure (can, pitcher, bottle, etc) II. Thesis statement: Beer is drank everyday in the United States, without a single consideration of the vessels they come in or how they came to be. III. Preview of Main Points: Today were going to discuss, when the growler first emerged, how it got its name, and the common day growler. Transition: Starting with my first point, when growlers first appeared. 1. The first growlers are believed to have emerged in the mid 1800s. A. The consumer wanted to drink beer at home, and during lunch breaks at work. B. They were the only way to have beer outside of the saloon or local tavern C. Growlers varied from glass, to pottery, to the most popular being a 2qt galvanized pail with lid. D. (focusonthebeer. com) they were sold as a pint, and filled 1/2 beer, and 1/2 foam. . Transition: Now that we have discussed when they emerged, lets talk about how they got their name. 2. The term growler is actually up for some debate. A. Some believe it was sound of CO2 escaping from the lid of the pail. B. Others believe it was rumbling of the stomachs of workers waiting to have beer during lunch. C. (bottles. net) Many also believe it was conflict between the bartender, and the customer. The customer was growling about not having a full pail, and the bartender was growling about only having to charge for a pint. Transition: Lastly we are going to discuss the common day growler. 3. It wasnt until 1989 when it emerged again, in what we are familiar with today in terms of the growler A. (beeradvocate. com) In 1989 Charlie Otto is being credited for what we see in today’s growler B. (grandtetonbrewing. com) formerly Otto brothers brewing company Otto wanted to allow his customers to take beer home and enjoy it. C. After discussing this with his father, his father told him he needs a growler, which his father remembers getting filled for his father. D. Common day growler is a glass jug with a small handle. Often times with the Brewery label silk screened on the bottle Conclusion A. Review of Main Points: Today we have went over when the growler emerged, how it got its name, and the common day growler. B. Residual message: Today the growler is particularly popular with the craft beer breweries; it is believed to have stopped over 1 billion bottles, and cans going into the trash each year. References: Source 1 Merriam-Webster, 2013. Definition of the word Growler. Available from Merriam-Webster via internet (http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/growler). Source 2 IGrind, November 12, 2011. The Growler: Part 1 The Past. Available via the internet (http://www. focusonthebeer. com/2011/11/growler-part-1-past. html) Source 3 Jess Kidden, 2013. History of the Growler Available via the internet (http://www. bottless. net/The_History_of_The_Beer_Growler_s/605. htm) Source 4 BeerAdvocate, July 31, 2002. The Growler: Beer-to-Go! Available via the internet (http://beeradvocate. com/articles/384) Source 5 Grand Teton Brewing, Growler History. Available via the internet (http://www. grandtetonbrewing. com/Growlers. html).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Aims Of Ethics In The It Industry Information Technology Essay
Aims Of Ethics In The It Industry Information Technology Essay Introduction According to the Larousse dictionary, Ethics are rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or members of a profession (medical ethics, IT ethics, and health ethics etc). The conduct of a person implies integrity; integrity plays an essential role in the ethical behaviour. A person with ethics act with personal code of principles, apply moral standards and respect and consideration in every situation. Information technology is the processing of data via computer, it is the use of hardware and software technology to process and distribute information in digital and other forms. Ethics in information technology refers to the code of conduct or guidelines for people working in the IT industry or using IT infrastructure. In this essay we will try to found out why is that ethics is so important to today industry, whats the role that it plays to help every business running smoothly. We will also identify what will be the impact of a non existence code of conduct in IT on the society. AIMS OF ETHICS IN THE IT INDUSTRY When talking about ethics, the more important thing to think about is personal values. Value is largely part of ethics. And you can talk about ethics without mentioning personal values and moral. The purpose of ethics in information security is not just philosophically important; it could mean the survival of a business, or an industry. Information technology, computers and networks do not raise new ethical issues, ethical issues has always been the major part of a working environment. However the Internet does contribute a fascinating sense of anonymity; the notion that no one can see or find out what we are doing. The main role of ethics in the IT industry is providing a firm ground basis for the use of IT whenever needed [1] . The IT industry is divided in different organisation body, and each body apply various codes of conducts regarding their target, the area of working and their consumers. The ethics varies depending on the academic board. There is a global code of ethics for the whole information technology but each professional board will have their own preamble code of ethics. PROFESSIONAL IT WORKER AND ETHICS An IT professional is describe as someone with a specific or specialized knowledge, and also with a long and intensive academic career. Various role applied for someone to be call an IT professional, could a, Programmers, Systems analysts, Software engineers, Database administrators, Network administrators etc There are various are where ethics come in plays when working in Information Technology; professionalism, personal integrity, privacy, law and policies, communication, system integrity, education, social responsibility. IT professionals have many different relationships that must be managed with: Employers, Clients, Suppliers, Other professionals, IT users, Society at large [2] . Relationships between IT Professionals and Employers IT professionals must set an example and enforce policies regarding the ethical use of IT. Software piracy is the act of illegally making copies of software or enabling others to access software to which they are not entitled. Software piracy is an area in which IT professionals can be tempted to violate laws and policies. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) is a trade group that represents the worlds largest software and hardware manufacturers. Its mission is to stop the unauthorized copying of software produced by its members [3] . Many of the ethical issues that face IT professionals involve privacy. For example: Working as a network administrator or a network security doesnt allow you to access data on a network whenever you want to. Because of the personal ethical believe, use of data should be only and strictly for professional purpose if not there is a breach of code. Is it fair for an IT worker to access a private employee folder or email because it got the user password? Many other issues involving privacy could be raised here, it important that as an IT professional you behave with ethical conduct that regulate the work of IT. Other issues that we need to look at in the relationship between IT professional and employer is the Trade secret; Information used in business must be only within the business if not there is a breach of code of ethics In looking to those privacy issues above, it is so easy to see how one those actions above could be used in critical way to jeopardize the working environment. Many of the information gain by an IT professional could be use as a form of pressure to have a political advantage or to be used to get someone fired. [4] Relationships between IT Professionals and Clients IT professional provide various type of work at the hardware and software services at some cost within a given time period. According to Deb shinder network security expert, Ethical problems arise if a company recommends its own products and services to remedy problems they have detected. It is then important that a strong code of ethics need to be set up to avoid this kind situation to happen for the sake of every party. [5] Relationships between IT Professionals and Suppliers There need for a good relationship between supplier is very important for the long term survival of the business. It is also important to have a fair deal with suppliers each when required. Bribery should be always avoided in respect of the code of ethics. [6] Relationships between IT Professionals and Other Professionals Working environment is a very delicate place to be, mutual respect between each professional is vital for day to day running of the business. Professional should adopt a professional code of conduct. Some ethical issues between members of the IT profession could arise but it important that strictly respect of the code apply. [7] Relationships between IT Professionals and IT Users IT users are people that use any IT infrastructure everyday for different purpose. Basically is a person for whom a hardware or software product is designed. Its important to understand the user needs and capabilities to establish an ethical environment that supports ethical behaviour by users [8] . Relationships between IT Professionals and Society The fact that IT professional are the main people behind the technology we use, make play an important role on us and the society in general. They play a major role in the IT user life. Maintaining and respecting the code of ethics establishes is essential and vital for the society. There action can affect the society in various ways, its then important they adhere to the code of ethics and rules that are in place to maintain a coherent and free of bias society. ETHICS AND IT END USERS Ethical use of IT is a really growing concern nowadays, with the rapid growing of internet and it social network application, download, online streaming and all others available application for the internet make this area a very concern for local government and watchdog. End users are main people affected by this issue, because it so hard to have a written code of conduct of conduct that user should follow. Code of ethics here required moral and personal integrity of each user. With the rapid growth of pornography, hacking, social network attack, viruses and other related threats, it is important that each user apply some common sense moral for the simple fact that this an area that is really difficult to monitor. The main objective of the code of ethics is to establish professional business standards that will protect and enhance the concept, the image, the credibility and the sustainability of the business. CONCLUSION The code of ethics provide guidance by establishing a set of rules and standards for the use of IT and for the behaviour to adopt when working in the IT environment or when using IT infrastructure. There are different from the law but there are made in accordance with the law. So many issues regarding the ethics in IT couldnt be raise here, the ethics in IT is a very large to develop, many IT authors have wrote books and journals to raise this issues. In our essay we have try to give an idea how ethics come in play in the working environment and for IT user.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Pheidias :: Essays Papers
Pheidias Often credited as being the â€Å"greatest†of all Ancient Greek sculptors, Pheidias, was a man gifted with both talent and turmoil. No one specific piece can definitely be attributed to the artist, but historical record suggests that he was the supervisor and main sculptor for works such as the Athena Parthenos and the Zeus for the temple at Olympia. Because many sculptures often attributed to him were designed with large quantities of gold and ivory, he is believed to have been extremely proficient with fine materials. He was Athenian; this scholars do not debate. His master is said to have been Agelades of Argos, though there is no proof to substantiate the claim#. Many believe that the majority of his pieces were commissioned by the city of Athens and, in turn, attribute many large public monumental sculptures to Pheidias, even though the dates do not always support this. Through my research, I agree with R.G. Haggar, that his career was launched when he was commissi oned to sculpt an Athenian monument to Marathon. Scholars argue whether or not the funds for this project came from the spoils of the war, or the Athenian government. In several ancient texts the name Pheidias appears and seems to always be followed by a positive statement about his sculpture. Plotinus (third century AD) writes of the giant statue of Zeus at Olympia and praises Pheidias for his skill, but the only proof that scholars and art historians have that the statue even existed is a coin that depicts an image similar to the way the statue is described#. R.G. Haggar contends that â€Å"the Parthenon statues remain the greatest monument to his genius†(Haggar 22), but does not believe he sculpted the majority of the images himself. Haggar believes that his role as â€Å"supervisor†over the massive commission was crucial to the presentation of the famed Athenian battles. Less than a year after the completion of the Athena Parthenos, Pheidias was brought to trial: the charge, embezzlement. A.W. Lawrence, who does not give specific sources, believes that he was exonerated from the embezzlement charges because all of the precious metal from the statue could be weighed. After the charge failed, he was again charged, publicly, this time with both misapp ropriating public funds and sacrilege. The latter charge existed because he had depicted himself and Perikles on the shield held by Athena.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Assignment – Job Fair Brochure Paper
Management always encourages our employees to work hard, be creative, be responsible, positive, be respectful of other employees and management, and to always be team-players. These traits never go unnoticed or unrewarded, Employees are evaluated every six months and given appropriate bonuses for going above and beyond the Mullen In an annual basis. Additionally, our employees enjoy two weeks of vacation pay, an employee stock purchase program, 401 k with company match, and excellent health and dental insurance.The management team at â€Å"X†always keeps the door open for employees to share new ideas, concerns or problems with them. These meetings always remain private so that employees know they are in good hands. Structure: Our company is divided Into deferent departments or functions in which there is a lead or manager in charge of each function that reports to the Site Manager, owner and the founder of â€Å"X†, Mr.. BBC. First, there are manufacturing operators wh o are In charge of manufacturing each piece before It Is sent to the customer.These operators work together from start to finish, each with specific duties that must be done before their work is passed on to the next person. The QUA supervisor inspects each finished piece to be sure it is correct and then they sign off once it is approved. Then the finished pieces are either delivered directly to the customers' via ground transportation or air depending on their location, or taken to the storage area where it is stored to maintain the stock with safe quantities to fulfill customer's demand.On the sales department, sales personnel are in charge of handling customer's emails or alls and help them to prepare their custom orders. The sales people are in charge of customer satisfaction, sales, prepare custom orders, and passing on custom orders to the designers to prepare the molds for them. The sales manager oversees all of these functions very closely. Managers from all areas meet toge ther daily to report to one another and to be sure work Is being done In the most efficient manner. All managers are expected to keep the site manager Informed of any Issue and they report to him almost daily.Business Model: In order for the company to sustain and generate revenue, â€Å"X†believes in creating high-quality recycled paper products that our customers need and we make every attempt to keep our prices competitive. We offer custom-made products for our customers to ensure they are getting exactly what they want; guaranteed. We strive to keep the price of all supplies the company buys low, by negotiating with the same suppliers we have worked with since day one. Our suppliers are only twenty miles from our warehouse therefore; we do not pay high prices for shipping and handling.We never compromise on product quality, and our customers are aware of it. Our advertising is done by our marketing department but mostly for our international customers. Locally, word of m outh by our satisfied customers is the primary way of marketing, so this saves our company on advertising every year. Employees are competent and well-trained and they work together in creating these products and are trusted to be responsible and efficient at all times. They are encouraged to share new ideas that may increase sales and company profitability and are rewarded accordingly.Our employees have very satisfying and rewarding careers therefore; our employee turn around rate remains very low. How will these choices impact my business? Here at â€Å"X†we believe that a strong, healthy, tight knit crew is the key to the company success. Each function has strong communication among and between them, for that reason; there are few sporadic issues of miscommunication. We believe that our customers are the key to keep us alive as a company and to our success thus, we make every effort to keep them satisfied.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cuban missile crisis Vietnam war
The most dangerous passage to Cold War was the Cuban Missile crisis during the 1960’s. This is a confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States in Cuba. Robert F. Kennedy’s Thirteen Days is the portrayal of the tensions surrounding the Cuban Missile crisis and the analysis of the said conflict. Two sides of the conflict was presented during the conflict between Union Soviet and United States. One side of the ordeal was the Communists of the Soviet Union desire to bring entire European countries under their supremacy and conquer the world.The other side of the conflict was the goal of Americans to the vindication of right and to stop the spead of Communism. During the Cuban Missile crisis, two significant people played important roles. They were America’s president John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev. Both leaders were pressured with what is happening that time. They performed different tactics and strategies on how to deal with the sc enario. Drama took place and a lot of negotiations were arranged for the Cuban Missile crisis.The pressure was triggered after Berlin and Germany were separated and divided among the victorious countries, Allies were formed and three different blocs occured. Nations that has been established after the war remained neutral while western countries which were governed by America and Soviet Union together with their new allies had formed the other two blocs. Soviet Union established allied countries around them and spread and imposed communism to each and every country.America was alarmed and imposed the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan to control Soviet Union in spreading communism. However according to Robert F. Kennedy’s Thirteen Days; two things came to pass that sent threat and tension through the U. S. First was, the Chinese government was overthrown by Communism, which is a big alarm for the threat of superiority of Communism. And the second was the â€Å"CUBAN MISSILE C RISIS†â€Å"page # 2†knowledge and ability of Soviets when it comes to nuclear and atomic issues. There was a fear in the U. S. because of the threat of a nuclear war.The crisis began when Soviet Union Leader Nikita Krushchev plans to install missiles in Cuba because of the American’s Missile were installed in Turkey which is adjacent to Soviet Union and he did not want that America would take over Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro’s communist government. The Soviet Union leader also considered newly elected John F. Kennedy’s reaction to his plans. Krushchev conclude that Kennedy was a weak, faulty and could not bear pressures and tensions. He (Krushschev) was a leader who based his premises on hasty generalizations because he pre-judged Kennedy because he was a newly elected president.On the other hand, John F. Kennedy was reluctant about what is happening around him. His administration issued a warning about the impending crisis in Cuba. This is t he Memo 181; it states study of probable military, poitical and social impacts in the installment of missiles in Cuba which could reach the United States. Kennedy made a decision which was effective because he first consulted people around him and querried for facts so that his plans would be perfect and would not lead onto decisions which will lead to more seroius problems like a world nuclear war.He also kept the informations for himself first before broadcasting it to the American nation because he wanted that his administrations plan would be a secret and would not leak for the enemies. When National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy learned a bad news that Soviets were constructing an offensive missile in Cuba was positive. He did not first told the president about what’s taking place in Cuba. Instead he gets more information and he wanted the president to have a rest for a more challenging decisions for America. On October 16, the Thirteen Days had began, Bundy told the p resident about the construction of missiles and theâ€Å"CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS†â€Å"page # 3†president immediately ordered a meeting for the senior officials which he termed as Ex Comm. They planned secretly and develop their strategies on how to destabilize the construction of ballistic missiles. John F. Kennedy was a leader who wants everything to be clear and concise. After the deliberations and discussions were done, strategies were finally made and ready for execution. But first Kennedy briefed his people and made his first decision: to hold all military military equipment under ship to Cuba.This was the Proclamation 3504 known as the quarantine order. And during his speech on October 22 he said to the Soviets, â€Å"And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission. †JFK exudes a leader whose strong and tough with his decisions which Krushchev miscalculated when he planned to test Kennedy with his plans. Then the crisis even worsens each day passed. Secret negotiations were made. And trying to avoid the war the two leaders resorted by changing of letters. A naval blockade was implemented by America in the Carribbean and Cuban coast which triggered the Soviet nation.Because of it, on the 26th day of October, Krushchev seemed to be willing to remove the missiles in Cuba in exchange for America’s commitment not to invade Cuba. But on the next day, Krushschev proposed a different argument and that is if Soviets will remove their missiles in Cuba, it follows that US must also remove their missiles in Turkey. This proposal from Krushchev was just, but he is so demanding about this matter. He was insistent about the matter because of the loss of arms and military equipment in Cuba which disband their operations and still he remained confident with his decision.Thus, Kennedy made the right decision. Kennedy did not support Krushchev’s second proposal, instead he wrote Krushchev and made a de al to remove the blockade and agree not to invade Cuba if Krushchev would remove the missiles in Cuba. JFK also secretly proposed the dismantling of US missiles in â€Å"CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS†â€Å"page # 4†Turkey. The Soviet leader agreed and the crisis ended. The result was Krushchev lost prestige while Kennedy gained. Cuba remained under communist dictatorship and US left it.Both Leaders were good leaders and have their own political and social will. They both fights for what they know what is right for their country and beliefs. I can say that John F. Kennedy was one of the best presidents of US because of his courage and making rational decisions. While Nikita S. Krushchev fights for what he believes in and his people but he failed. Essay2 (Vietnam War) United States played a big role in the Vietnam War and it was the biggest and longest military conflict of the nation. Many lives were affected not only in Vietnam but also in America.US army troops were sent to S outh Vietnam to fight against North Vietnam and National Liberation Front because they want to unify the North and South Vietnam to become a Communist Republic. And protesters from the US were greatly affected. The main issue during the Vietnam war was the opinion of the american people toeards the issue which had caused a lot of speculations in the government and also the US academic institutions. According to Turley (1986), even at the start of US escalatory moves in the beginning of 1965 there were limits to American public and congressional tolerance of the war's expenses and duration.Turley (1986) moreover explained that these limits were worsen by the administration under Johnson: its refusal to arouse popular emotion on the war's behalf, its failure to make an effective strategies for massive US intervention, its public misrepresentation of the war's denelopment and of its own political and social intentions, and its refusal to make solid and tough political choices. American s treated Vietnam War as unpopular and insignificant and yet it is the longest war americans fought for. To sum it all it is the most disastrous war that involved the Americanâ€Å"CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS†â€Å"page # 5†people. Many soldiers have lost their lives during those time. Many people in the United states protests on the intervention of US in the said war and also many americans supported the war for Vietnam not to be under a communist government. During those times US was so divided and turmoil and chaos happened, wounds that Vietnam caused will never heal for many of the more than two million American veterans life from the war was given to fight against communism in Vietnam (Herring, 2002).More or less sixty thousand Americans lost their lives in fighting for the war. The United States spent about $150 billion dollars. American got involved in the war during 1955 when the first american advisors arrived in Vietnam. Then, American combat troops arrives in 196 5 and had finished fighting for the civil war in Vietnam up to the end when cease-fire was ordered and reconciled on January of 1973. I can say now that Vietnam War was a story of the olden times for the new generation americans.Cambodian Invasion was a played a big scene in the Vietnam this is when President Richard Nixon ordered an attack against North Vietnam and NLF (National Liberation Front), the main goal why Nixon ordered an attack, according to Turley (1986), was to demolish bases of communism and provide arms and military support to the war in Vietnam, for the protection American troops, and to make sure of the withdrawal of America from Vietnam.Students and faculties in different universities in US that time who were not in favor of the Vietnam War felt that President Nixon had deceived them, that the hated war was to be expanded and be pursued (Turley, 1986). Students from Oberlin, Princeton, and Rutgers demonstrated against Vietnam War and Nixon that very night. Many ac ademic institutions had closed and a lot of organizations who opposed Vietnam war had formed demonstrations all over the country. â€Å"CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS†â€Å"page # 6†Different ways of expressing their sympathy for the Americans who catered their lives for Vietnam and dismay for the decision of the president was obvious by that time. Many protest across the country took every possible form and were carried out under every ban, slogan and chant. Strikes, boycotts, and shutdowns were carried out together with rallies in the campus, marches and convocations; across the country there was massive flag lowering, wearing of black armbands, several memorial services, portrayal of funerals and vigil; there were seminars with workshops, and research projects.Vigilant students have also had an interaction with the public especially with the residents and invited each and every household to come in their campus and talk about the issue of Vietnam War. American students and a cademic institutions played a big role in protesting against the Vietnam War. The heart of the young american people was awaken for the love of their country and countrymen. They displayed brotherhood, camarraderie and oneness during the Vietnam War protests.America stood as one in fighting for each and every american whose fighting for the right for Vietnam and all nations as well. Many lives were transformed during the war. And still many lives were taken. Vietnam War was an untold story for Americans. But it made United States a country with strong people and united nations. References: Herring, George C. (2002). America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950–1975. retrieved April 21, 2007 from http://www. vietnamwar. com/ Kennedy, Robert F. (1969).Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis; ISBN 0-393- 31834-6. retrieved April 20, 2007 from http://www. lawbuzz. com/movies/thirteen_days/thirteen_days_ch1. htm Pope, Ronald R. , Soviet Views on the Cuban Missile Crisis: Myth and Reality in Foreign Policy Analysis; University Press of America, 1982. from http://www. lawbuzz. com/movies/thirteen_days/thirteen_days_ch1. htm Turley, William S. (1986) The Second Indochina War: A Short Political and Military History, 1954–1975.. Retrieved April 21, 2007 from http://www. vietnamwar. com/politicalprotests. htm.
Character, theme and narrative in the soap opera Essay
From watching one particular episode of the famous soap ‘Eastenders’ I was able to attain plenty of information and reference to certain areas of a soap. There are specific codes and conventions to particular narratives that are easy to identify. Obviously in each soap, the same sort of things occur and the audience can recognise this, thus such an appeal for soaps. In this single episode of ‘Eastenders’, the themes included are easily identifiable as being part of a soap. It includes all the drama in everyday life within one session of 30minutes. We are able to see potential fights, arguing, loving and a typical ‘goodie’ and ‘baddie’ scenario. Also there is mention of wedding and divorce, evidently showing mixed emotions. Furthermore, a noticeable feature of Eastenders is that there is a comic relief – as there is a build up of suspense and tension, then a scene change to ‘Patrick’ who supplies the audience with moments of laughter, along with a small selection of other characters. Location is an immense feature to Eastenders. There are a number of places you anticipate to be featured in each episode – the Queen Vic pub being the most notorious. Also within one street (square) there is 6 places of work – all featured in this one episode. The jobs all being inter-gender and featuring different types of characters who play different roles with a wide range of age gaps. Ie. Garage, launderette, cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, E20 nightclub and a B & B. In this 30 minute slot, which in Eastenders’ time is one full day – from early morning to late night, we are able to see the pub closed, quiet and busy. Also when the pub is featured, the concentration is only on a conversation involving just two people, although you can hear other characters in the atmos, they are not seen. This is where camera angles become important. ‘Over the shoulder’ shot is most commonly featured throughout when showing a clip of two characters talking. Also whilst in the middle of a conversation there is a sharp camera swap to a close -up view of the person speaking, which only last for a few seconds. These are things that the audience take for granted but need plenty of thought and trials. There is only one point in the episode where one person is shown alone – this being Peggy Mitchell who is talking to herself and allowing the viewers to empathise with her and share her emotions. She is a dominant family-heading female who is stressing her unhappiness to the viewers. This is when we see a wider range of camera angles used as the photographers want us to see her differently and also let us see the setting and background which is a clever tactic so we can recognise where she is and what her method of thinking is. Also the cameras seem a similar distance away from each character, and this means they never raise their voice and throughout the same volume of speech is enforced. A synopsis of what is actually happening in the episode is a number of storylines revolving around each other – most of them having some sort of link or connection. The storylines are as follows : * Phil Mitchell after his disturbed ex-wife Lisa and his baby * A triangle love situation between Little Mo, ‘comical’ Billy and ‘Mr. Nasty’ Trevor. * Sonia’s relationship with both Gus and Jamie * Janine’s flirting and misleading – this linking into events occurring in the bed and breakfast. * Tom’s mental state of mind * Jim Brannan losing his job and Ricky in desperate need of one There is also other small ones developing but these are the main pinpointed ones. The storylines are age specific, therefore aimed at a wide range of viewers. In addition to this as storylines build up and characters become uneased in the episode, there seems to be no atmos/background music to dramatise the situation, which is a convention often employed by soap-makers. No music at all is used throughout the episode, excluding the catchy and easily remembered theme tune at the beginning of the soap. Also the mini-cliffhangers at the conclusion of the soap is followed by the distinctive tune. This soap, like most others has no graphics used or clear use of modern hi-tech technology. There is just a simple, straightforward map of the East end of London at the beginning with the River Thames flowing through. This being very eye-catching and appealing. On the whole it is obvious to see that one 30minute episode of a soap can include so much detail, information and thought.
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