Friday, May 15, 2020

Critical Analysis Of William Blakes A Poison Tree

Anger, frustration, and hate are all emotions that build up the burning wrath inside of our bodies. The more we keep these emotions buried away and fail to communicate them to others, the more the wrath continues to grow until it eventually boils over and by this time it is too late. This concept is defined and illustrated in William Blake’s poem â€Å"A Poison Tree.† This poem directs the readers to the importance of communication and willingness to forgive. The moment the speaker refuses to communicate his or her anger is the point in which the cultivation of the wrath begins. By looking at the concealment of the wrath and the opposition between communication and concealment in addition to the structure developed by tension we see the†¦show more content†¦The anger with the friend never develops because the speaker communicates the anger to the friend and the problems are worked out. With the foe, the speaker does not communicate his or her anger and therefor e the wrath grows. What this opposition does is develop the question of Why are we so easy to forgive a friend that has done us wrong, but not an enemy that has done wrong? This question is never answered in the poem, but gives hints as to why our enemies stay enemies. Along with the first observation of opposition stems a second point of opposition between communication and concealment. In the poem this is the difference in halting the wrath versus growing the wrath. The communication half is only present for the first two lines of the poem, but the concealment runs much deeper because this is only the start for growth. It takes two lines for the communication aspect the develop, yet it takes the concealment the other fourteen lines to burst. This form of opposition compares the two different ways in which the anger was dealt with and contrasts the end results of each, one being a healthy relationship and the other being death. This poem is structured to developed like a metaphoric tree. This is a key element within the movement of the poem because the growth of the tree of wrath develops the movement within the poem. The first stanza develops the planting of the seed of wrath with the words â€Å"I told it not† (4). This lack of communication is the burial of the

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